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Casey Neistat (Who doesn't know him, press Alt+F4) with his charisma and expertise, tries out the new Apple Vision Pro. He does it in a fun and very practical way, describing the pros and cons.

Highly recommended


GeoWizard - as always, his likeability and style of content was such a joy.

He took on a challenge of leaving his hour with £10 in his pocket and just walking in a direction - something we've probably all wanted to try at some point, or at least wondered what it would be like. He went and did it. It's a departure from his usual straight line missions, or GeoGuess content, and his audience (me included) absolutely lap it up!

FrostySomething's avatar

For anybody that’s into their sim racing, I find Karl Gosling’s videos quite informative. He reviews different racing bits and bobs, mostly cockpits but tech too. I just like his style: very relaxed, authentic, not shouty at all and just very easy to watch. Lately he reviewed this wooden cockpit which was quite fascinating. I’ve never seen one made from wood before but it seems like it works quite well!

Sturmer's avatar

I've always advocated for tailoring user experience in content to effectively serve the audience, especially through SEO optimization. A prime example of this approach in action is the TroubleChute channel. Their strategy is clear from their name and motto: they focus on tech tips to solve common problems. Their content begins with identifying widespread issues, particularly those associated with new game or software releases.

Every piece features a thumbnail, title, and detailed description, complete with time stamps for easy indexing. This meticulous alignment of elements not only engages viewers but also offers specific solutions to their exact tech issues.

Boomer's avatar

Without tutorials like this I'd never mess with my setup or gaming installations! I'd probably end up bricking my PC 😝

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I want to change from Adobe Premier Pro to DaVinci Resolve and was looking for a quick and easy guide to get me started. As Someone who has been editing in Premier and Vegas for a while, I know what I'm doing, but wanted a quick, straight to the point guide just to familiarise myself with the layout of the software and maybe some functions which might be different from the ones I'm used to from previous editing software. And I found this gem, around 12 minutes which definitely fits the size of a short guide. Straight to the point, very clear explanation and great tips for beginners what to focus on, so this guy just got himself a new subscriber:

Boomer's avatar

How have you found the transition away from Premiere Pro? I really like the Adobe creative suite but it's pretty resource intensive, so I'm always keen to hear about alternatives.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Hard... I'm sitting here halfway done with the Nightingale review and a voice in the back of my mind is just screaming at me to get Premier up and finish it in no time 😂 But if I do that I'll never learn Resolve, so gritting my teeth and suffering.... It's not difficult, most things are very simple once I find them... it's just fighting that muscle memory I already have for Premier, but if I try transitioning later it will be just worse. If I recreate all my templates now in Resolve, set up my Stream Deck for editing, it will be fine. But will have a couple of weeks filled with cursing and banging my head into the desk like I had when I swapped from a normal mouse to a 12 button one and felt like I was a sprout healer again pressing the wrong skills.

Pain, but I can't justify paying this much for Premier when Resolve is free. Couldn't find a decent alternative for Photoshop though so will be sticking with that.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

This video is from the team over at Viva La Dirt League. They are a long-standing comedy team that does skits on everything from Mental health Issues to Dungeons & Dragons, this video I have chosen is based on Rowan (the main character) thinking the head of IT has “mind control” powers! It’s hilarious!

Boomer's avatar

What was that!? That was way more intense and dramatic than I was expecting! 😂

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

They have such good videos and they deserve so many more subscribers than they have.

BeyondBelief's avatar

Tyy is a great friend of mine. A streamer and content creator. Tyy creates such exciting streams for her community through wearing crazy and fun costumes. She's known for wearing a dinosaur costume on her stream and creating funny TikTok trends which always make me laugh and certainly catch people off guard. Her content is nothing but inspirational. She hosts a weekly stream of "Mental Health Mondays" where she discusses vulnerbilities and opens up the floor to the rest of the community to share their thoughts and feelings. Whenever I step in Ty's stream I feel welcomed and I know I'll always have a blast of a time. Chaotic, fun, and hillarious.



Boomer's avatar

Tyy sounds like a really positive creator 🙂 I'm definitely imagining a brachiosaurus costume with the long floppy neck though! 😄🦕


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