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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Honestly not very well, I've gained a few subscribers on both channels but I seem to be stalling at present.

But this happens on occasion. I shall keep at it. Always.


What do you think is causing the stall? anything you can do to switch it up which may help?

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Minecraft is hard to break into so you have to keep at it and with Eve Online we know as long as the player base remains small, the channel will as well. But CCP aka Eve Online never promoted us, because we would not "fall in line".


I agree Minecraft is SUPER hard to break into but remember the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result! Honestly worth thinking about content types to mix it up as it may give you the boost you are after! CHeck out Blockfacts, i think thats what they are called, they switched it up with shorts and blew up! just an idea not to copy them but just to try something new and see what happens :)

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Yeah I have other content coming, but can't do much till I move again because at this point I am constantly surrounded by kids all the time.

Horror and Cats's avatar

It flew by making my Alone In the Dark let’s plays. Annoyingly no one is watching them and everyone is still viewing and subscribing from a janky point and click abandonware game I played like a week ago lol.


haha at least they are subbing! yeah lets plays are notoriously difficult to grow / get views from as theres a few established creators which own that space! Maybe you could do it in a different way to get people interested? Have a unique selling point?

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Was nice to catch your stream! I have raid usually on Tuesdays but will try to catch the Thursday stream again.

I managed to record all the footage I need for my Nightingale review and got the new SSD in. Still have to set up my Stream Deck, but first I need to finish that review for the bounty deadline tomorrow. So no Monday stream, onto editing!

Makster's avatar

looking forward to your review - let us know when it is posted and where we can watch it

Lanah Tyra's avatar

It will be on Youtube and will post it as submission for the review bounty in the Nightingale community, so keep an eye on that :)


Thanks for tuning in, was awesome to see you in the stream, and others from Just About hanging out on the stream is very cool to see!

Sounds good, make sure you set yourself a target date for getting your stuff setup otherwise it can drag on! I find setting a hard date helps me get stuff done!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Figured out finally how to do the sound as I'm using the Elgato capture software for recording raw game footage without overlays or discord sound on, and stream in OBS. And most guides suggest to route all sound back to your gaming PC but that just doesn't work for me with wanting to record and stream in different software. Now I just need to play around with the Steam Deck. I want to use it both for streaming and editing so probably will just have to keep swapping the cable over between the 2 PC. Definitely an upgrade is in order later this year so I can save myself some trouble and go back to at least record on my PC and just send a stream mix to my laptop. 😂

Makster's avatar

Glad you're back to streaming and settling in on a schedule. I think being overly ambitious and then burning out is an issue with content creation (god knows I've been there) but once you find your stride it make things easier.I've blueprinted a few videos for a series I've wanted to do on my collection of toys, figures, pre-orders, and stuff and relating it to the re-sale market or after market i.e.explaining what the object is, the series, what it means to me, where I bought it+ how much and how much it has appreciated by adjusted for inflation.

I've been reading 'your money or your life' and part of the plan is to record all your 'assets' so its part in parcel in terms of my money management and also my hobby


Absolutely, thanks! ohh sounds interesting, what toys / figures?


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