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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

No picture! No streams! My feelings are hurt :( I demand your managers email address!!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Me shouting to the other room: darlin' someone wants to talk to you! 😂

My data SSD gave up so I last all my Photoshop templates and recorded raw footage.... it's been a hell of a week trying to recreate some stuff and those which I need for project deadlines had priority. Will have more time to work on stuff during the long weekend. Need to set up my Stream Deck too.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Mate that absolutely sucks, it's so annoying when Its equipment starts going wrong all at once, I had a pc blow up for no reason at all once and I had to wait a month to replace it. it sucked so much, but I'm glad your back and sorted, bring on the streams. I usually miss your streams but do watch the vods when I have time.

Horror and Cats's avatar

3/25/24 at 4PM PST!

The next episode will be 3/27/24 at 4PM PST.

We'll see how well they do before I schedule any more.


Just dropped a follow so will jump in any streams when I'm about to help you get affiliate!

For me streaming this week I will be streaming on Tuesday & Thursday at 8pm uk/ 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT time on Twitch Playing more classic RTS with Command & Conquer Red alert 3!

ps also may stream Stellar Blade demo on 29th at 7am PDT / 2pm GMT!


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