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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

My funniest comment was when I was doing Command & Conquer browser games, one of the community devs' responded by saying,

"dammit boy, if you teach everyone to play as well as you, we are going to have to keep making new worlds"

I literally burst out laughing, for context C&C browser game is alliances converging with mobile basis towards the middle, leveling up and working together to take out the forgotten fortress, once that's done, they make a new world, but it does take months per world lol.

Kings Court's avatar

So I made a video based on Someone trying to Troll me and get the better of me in chat,

They were called Alex, the video showed the interactions and lets just say it didnt go so well for them !

One of the comments read like this :

"No Alex's were harmed in the making of this video" to which I replied "emotionally, maybe, ego, defo, Physically, No !"


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