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okayameji's avatar

i'm commish, waiting list 5 month, 1 month art L2D process, 1 month Rigging process, the cheapest price in total is 300$ if on indonesia. and what I think is expensive is not the Vtuber Model, but powerful devices such as a 60 fps webcam and good processor specifications.

maybe I'll suggest it to him

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

It was also a long time for 5 months waiting to get my turn, if I made my own 3D Vtuber, but the outfit was commissioned to someone else because I couldn't make batik patterns on my clothes, for the price of commissioning batik patterns it was $20.

okayameji's avatar

Actually if you want to go fast, maybe you should look for other artists who are vacant, be careful if you book vtuber models because there are some irresponsible artists. I've been there and wasted my money because of that.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Yes I heard from friends that some people just take the money and never deliver the work which is sad :( This is why if I decide to get one, I'll definitely go to someone trusted and rather wait longer or pay a bit more. The vtuber prices for the fully rigged models are a bit too much for me at the moment, so that's one of the reason why I was thinking about pngtuber with the model + additonal expressions which then I can use with veadotube mini. Sounds more affordable and maybe a little less waiting time.

okayameji's avatar

maybe this is a little advice from me, since Just About is still holding events like this, maybe you can set aside a little of your income to make a 2D/3D Vtuber.

okayameji's avatar

or you can try joining a vtuber company agency, not a team agency or a circle agency

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Puh, like than i invest these Bucks into nice intro instead of an Avatar.

Thanks for sharing.

Konquest's avatar

you can try looking on fiverr or upwork. There you can see a sample of their work. Look for those with good reviews. Because they are moderated by the sites they are less likely to take the money and run. But the most important part is to make sure the person understands your requirements and what you actually want. So they can deliver the results that you are looking for.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I tried to look on fiverr, but the ones I found and said they do FFXIV commissions, the samples they had up were not FFXIV at all. I think the few people who actually do commissions for it have a very long waiting list.

Konquest's avatar

It must be very niched and those who are really good, demand exceeds supply :P

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Good little topic this one, shall be watching :)

Nine's avatar

hello lana~ my name is nine, a virtual youtuber to.

im getting my models is just drawing by myselft, but for rigging / rigger i do commist to someone. i recomend you to search

because that's a lot artis to do open commish~

Lanah Tyra's avatar

This artist must be very popular with the vtuber community, because okayameji recommended them as well above.

Got another recommendation from a friend, this is more in line with the style I was looking for:

It's never easy to trust someone with your beloved OC, but I can imagine my girl in a similar style. And an easier, more simple pngtuber model is probably better for trying it out how it vibes at all with my streams and if I'm enjoying it.


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