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Lanah Tyra's avatar

Good topic, I was thinking of bringing this up myself. As someone who is just trying to get into regular streams so has nothing to loose yet was experimenting a bit and it's not an easy question.

Whenever I think one platform is not doing well and I start considering dropping it, an enthusiastic viewer shows up there, so I stream there again... just for no one to watch.

That being said I'll probably drop Kick from my repertoire, as lately the only thing I got there was bots, and while using Restream or other tools to combine chats and make an inclusive community of your viewers from different platforms, moderation is still an issue. And having open 3 platforms to manage while also trying to play a game is not easy.

For a while I was thinking to try and reach Twitch Affiliate but with the way the platform has made some questionable decisions lately I'm not sure anymore if I would want to exclusively stream just there. My video content is on Youtube so it kind of makes sense to me to stream on both. Will try that when I return in July to my regular streams and see how it goes.

Limal's avatar

I think multiplatform is for professionals who already polished their workflows

Cherebi's avatar

I have recently started multistreaming and I have had good results to far but I think that is because I have built up communities on both Twitch and Youtube. Always mainly streamed on Twitch but I made YouTube videos around my twitch streams which built up an audience. Also streaming now on YouTube alongside Twitch has been successful because of that already made audience.


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