So it looks like twitch is raising its tier 1 subscription prices (seems like the cost of everything is just going through the roof these days)...
As someone who is recently trying to focus a bit more on twitch, i'm not sure this news will help streamers, as twitch are saying streamers will still get the same percentage cut which will therefore equal more as the fee is higher but i find ever increasing sub prices will force people to not sub which will see streamers potentially loose revenue or be just in the same place with no change?
I wonder if an approach like YouTube where you can set your membership price tiers would possibly help twitch bring in more paying subs? As I could honestly see people paying like a dollar/£ to multiple streamers versus $5.99 to just one!?
Anyways i REALLY hope they don't remove twitch prime subs as I feel that would be disastrous for the platform!
What is your take on this my fellow creators as a creator and as a viewer / supporter?
Peace. Murray.
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