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Content Creators
Shovel's avatar

I love to create Typographic logos. It’s what I specialise in so I decided to create one for my identity here on JustAbout! I’m thinking I could also use this if I ever wanted to create a gaming channel on twitch!

I’ve used an experimental type here, really focusing on the natural curves of the generic letters you are used to seeing everyday

I created both a primary and stacked version so it can be utilised in a variety of spaces. As well, you can see 2 variations on the logos. One is a flat logo in a purple (to go with my headshot) and the second I’ve inflated and used 3D techniques on Illustratort to extrude and inflate the logo and then dipped it in a lovely foiled gold. And with the type itself, I payed attention and played a lot with the kerning and leading to ensure even spacing for all the letters and height 😊

Konquest's avatar

Looks really good! do you use photoshop or is it an actual render with blender? I ask because it's very realistic and I can't tell the difference :D

Shovel's avatar

I used Illustrator! They’ve really done a lot to improve the 3D & Materials options and also now gives you an option to select high quality rendering - I also messed with the texture and roughness of the materials to get the perfect shine and opted out of shadows :) also included the inflation on both sides rather than the top! Hope that helps!

I’ve heard so many good things about blender, it’s my next programme I have on my list to upskill :)

Limal's avatar

Probably my explanation is not that impressive.

The axolotl is the cutest amphibian, and I simply love them. To share my love for them, I decided to use it in my logo.

I used photoshop's simple elements and cut few bits from another pictures to combine into a single logo

I can send a .PSD with layers to moderator if you have doubt about AI.

Sturmer's avatar

The logo for "Extreme Gaming" is designed to capture the essence of my YouTube channe. The central element is a minimalistic outline of a game controller, symbolizing the core focus on gaming. The solid black color ensures the logo is versatile and easily recognizable across different platforms, including as a favicon (for my future website).

The text "Extreme Gaming" is split into two distinct styles:

  • "Extreme" is in a bold, modern sans-serif font, emphasizing the channel's dynamic and intense gaming content.

  • In contrast, "gaming" is written in a playful, handwritten font, adding a touch of personality and approachability.

I think this combination of elements creates a balanced and engaging logo that effectively represents the channel’s mission to explore and celebrate various aspects of gaming.

This is probably not the final version, as I plan to ask a designer to refine the fonts. However, I'm overall satisfied with it and thankful for this bounty!


Konquest's avatar

So this is a brand new logo that I came up with mid July for my EDM project.

Why a rabbit because my chinese zodiac is the year of the fire rabbit.

still looked plainish so I decided to add a background to give it some differentiation.

I needed a name as well so i thought 'Red Rabbit'. Looking long an hard at it It gave me more of a e-sport or sports logo vibe. I wasn't satisfied so i decided to scrap the whole thing and go with something more minimalistic and simple. so I kept the rabbit idea but went with simple.

But looked too plain and I thought I will be needing a new name. I can't very well call this 'red rabbit' anymore so I came up with 'Dreamer' why dreamer?

I started on and off producing EDM like most people in their teens. Then i gave it all up and do normal things like study, get a job, etc... I'm 37 now I've spent 20 years or so doing what society tells me to do and being a cog in the machine. I decided I'm going to quit everything just drop everything and focus on gaming channel content creation and producing EDM. I'm not waisting any more time, we only have one life and i don't want to live in regret looking back at what could have been, I don't care what people think anymore because I am a dreamer and I'm finally pursuing my dream.

Shovel's avatar

I love this! So simple but so effective!

Konquest's avatar

I love it too! Sometimes I try to come up with something complicated to be different. I have this problem in everything I do. But most often simplicity is always forgotten.

Shovel's avatar

Yea, it’s so true. I always take the mindset of a child with graphics now. Because kids don’t overthink and just draw whatever!

Kane Carnifex's avatar

First Version ~ 20. Jan. 2023, 20:49
Est. 40 Bucks where paid here incl. Commercial use.

I used @romulosalcedo on Fiver for his service with nordic styled tattoos.

Personal further Adjustments

  • removed the leaves

  • removed single 1x1 pixel which didn´t belong to anything

Inverted, just in case you have a white background.

Cleared the Background to be transparent for Twitch and Youtube
-> This probably the style i used most :)

In the end we have this Version here:
-> sometimes Websites are picky in the size and since its not 100% a circle i couldn´t place it in center... and nobody cuts the horns!

I have a 30k x 30k Version which i tried to find really all shitty placed pixels.

Future plans?!

  • maybe i want to put my date around like est. 2023 and some runes

  • I want 15-30 Seconds super Fancy Movie Intro (like a real proffesional one)

  • There is the need to do a "Stickable" version for clothes

  • Monogram Version

This my crest, my personal heraldry.
And yes.. i have it!

For my CV Cards

<3 Thank you for your time.

Hope i can endorse people to go the same way :)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I love the crest! Could you recommend the website where you had the stamp made? My brother's family and I are the only people with our surname, so I've long thought it'd be cool to get us all one to, you know, start a dynasty or something

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Mine one is 35mm and depending on my ego i would go for the next one 45-55mm.
I think there is one process either cut it with CnC or by Laser.
The Details on 35mm are still a lot :)

Sinclair always rembers me about this:

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Fantastic, thank you. Aha, yes the Sinclair isn't so rare, but I have a double-barrelled name because my parents couldn't agree who was boss

Toretto 70's avatar

I chose a simple logo and applied black and white as symbol of stability

I am get inspired by iron wires that bind each other and are strong, also have a philosophy of 8 sharp points which means accepting everyone from all direction


So i started a youtube channel as a 13 year old called MagicAsim. You can see the before logo with the pack of cards, the new logo made on illustrator is more simplified to just the Ace card, as my name starts with an A. The logo of MagicAsim i think is more viisble with my name here compared to the first logo

Shovel's avatar

🔥🔥🔥 Love!! I love the inflated cushioned look of this too!


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