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Content Creators
Boomer's avatar

That's a good question.

There's value in grabbing the accounts to stop others from intentionally / accidentally confusing your brand, but it'd take a lot of effort to maintain them all!

I wonder how transferrable content is across similar platforms. For example, would it be effective to simply repost content between Twitter, Threads, Mastodon, Bluesky etc.? The audience demographics will be different but the platform features are largely the same.

Dave's avatar

You could just post the same thing on all of them but I think to be successful on a platform, you need to actively engage on it & add real value rather than purely as a promotional tool, more indirect promotion. So that means lots of commenting, joining in the conversation, liking etc.

Makster's avatar

I think there are two questions here:

  1. Should you be on all social media sites

  2. Should you be ACTIVE on all social media sites

Ideally yes to both but if you have limited time then it should be yes to 1. and no to 2. and instead grow your following on one social media site. If your content is good then people would jump through hoops to get to it.

I think of going to The Escapist just to watch Zero Punctuation and Channel Awesome just to watch Nostalgia Critic. I'm aware they're websites rather than social media but I'm just making a point that I'd go DIRECTLY to the creators websites rather than wait until they're uploaded (legitimately or otherwise) to YouTube


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