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Content Creators

Content Creators
Makster's avatar

Find what you're passionate about. Create content from it and then share it. If its good or interesting content then people will come naturally.

People will always go towards good content no matter the barriers

Dave's avatar

I’ve spent 20 years darting from one idea to the next, mostly with websites/blogs though rather than YouTube etc. I have yet to “find my spot” but I will answer anyway..

I agree with Makster that it’s got to be something you are knowledgeable & interested in. It’s all well & good finding the needle in the haystack that is a niche in demand that has little competition, but if you don’t actually know anything about it or aren’t interested in it, it will be a massive chore & a ton of work rather than a hobby.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I think a lot of people get niche wrong. They think it's something unique, something no one else is doing. But I think it means more like "what is it that I do best?"

So for me it's about finding something I have a vast knowledge of, something I enjoy doing, something I can teach others about. This way making content won't be a chore, you won't have burnout, because you don't have to force yourself to make content, it will come naturally, and you will be excited to make your next work. That excitement will show, and it might be something simple like making guides for your favourite game, but how you are making your guides will be your niche. The narration, the presentation, who do you choose as your core audience.

So while the advise "just be yourself" sounds too generic and simple, it is actually a good first step to narrow down to your niche.


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