Heya Creators !!
Do you attend Creator meet ups ?
Which ones do you attend ?
and Why ? what are the reasons for attending and what do you try to prepare for ?
I am in the UK and I travel a fair bit to attend Creator meet ups, most of them are in London which is like an hour away and with London being a big city, the meet ups are usually larger too.
I will also be attending one in Birmingham, couple hours drive away, at the end of this week, While in October I will be attending a gaming, nightlife event in Liverpool, approx 4 -5 hours away.
I attend because I like being sociable, but also because I have found the meet ups to be a great way to create connections, learn more from others and also to open opportunities for future work.
I dont prep, I have to be honest ! I am quite a sociable person and I am very good at acting on my feet, so I tend to just go and vibe out.
So what about you ? what are your thoughts on them ?
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