So this is going to be a weekly post with a focus on a different content creator from the community each week and we are starting with none other than Horror and Cats! So let's start with finding out about the content they make.
Can you tell everyone about your content?
I have been a horror fan for a long time and as far as my circle of friends and family goes, I’m really the only horror fan. It got to a point where I had so much trivia and genre love in my head, but no one to share it with, so I decided to start Horror and Cats, my YouTube channel. I definitely had a different vision for it at the beginning. I wanted to cover one movie at a time in the format of talking about it, pausing to have the viewer watch it, then coming back with all the trivia and fun facts. Those videos didn’t do very well, but lists and gaming videos did, so ultimately I moved to more scripted content and let’s plays. For the film lists, I still got to share my trivia, just in a slightly more engaging and energetic way.
Could you tell us about your proudest achievement with content creation?
I think my proudest moment and fondest memory thus far is the charity stream I had early on. At around 500 subscribers, I did a live reading of The Yellow Wallpaper, my favorite horror story of all time. Even being such a small channel, we raised $650 for Pets for Vets, which rescues animals from kill shelters and trains them as companion animals for veterans. I did it for Mental Health Awareness Month and The Yellow Wallpaper is very apropos, as was the charity. It made me feel really happy and proud that, though just a small community, we did some good together.
If you could give any advice about content creation what would it be?
There are a lot of lessons I learned over the last few years, but I think the most niche and helpful thing is how to overcome “voice confrontation.” Most people dislike the sound of their recorded voice because they are so used to hearing it with their own ears. The vibrations of your vocal cords reach your ears through your body and gives your voice extra bass to you, so hearing it anywhere else sounds “wrong,” even though it’s exactly how you sound to everyone else.
There is a certain level of acceptance you’ll have to find if that’s an issue for you, but using a microphone with a large diaphragm makes accepting it much easier. I use a 34mm diaphragm mic and listening back to my voice with it is as close to happy I’ve ever been with my recorded voice. All the other advice people tend to give still applies as well. Don’t get discouraged, keep at it, be yourself because ultimately what sets you apart from other channels is you. Don’t be a clone of someone else in your creator category. You are your channel’s greatest asset.
Below are a couple of videos from Horror and Cat's YouTube Channel
The first one is one of the more recent videos looking at romantic horror movies so check out this list video.
This second video takes a look at Evil Resistance.
You should check out the channel in full.
Otther Socials
Merch Store
After discussing about the YouTube channel we briefly discussed Just.
What is your favourite thing about Just?
My favorite thing about Just is incentivizing trying new things. For instance, I’d have NEVER tried Critter Cafe if I didn’t have a safety net of earning back what I spent via Rewards, and it turns out I am having a great time with it.
They also make weekly content over in the Just community Monday Pupdates and Cattitudes which any animal lover should check out.
To wrap things up Horror and Cats would like to share some upcoming Charity stream they will be doing.
Stream 1 - Saturday 1st March
Stream 2 - Saturday 8th March
If you would like to donate you can do so at the link below.
That wraps things up for our first content creator spotlight the idea behind these is we learn more about the content that each other makes and then we can start to support each other more and then we can start to grow together, if you would like to be featured in a future Content Creator Spotlight please just leave a reply.
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