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Dragon's Dogma

Dragon's Dogma
Rich's avatar

I’ll go first with the introductions: my name’s Rich and I’m the Community Content Lead here at Just About. With the invaluable help of Alex Sinclair and our Content Managers, it’s our job to work out what you all want to see on your communities and then deliver it through bounties, curated content, and more. If you’ve got any suggestions in that regard, just tag me Rich, or our Community Manager Boomer for moderation issues.

I’ve been playing games since the early ‘90s and am a massive fan of fantasy RPGs in particular, with thousands of hours in all the big series - The Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy, The Witcher, Baldur’s Gate, most everything FromSoftware has made since 2009 - plus a few of the small. I’m sad to say I missed Dragon’s Dogma on release, but it’s right up my street, which is why I’m currently enjoying my first playthrough of Dark Arisen and helping with content on this community!

Boomer's avatar

Hey folks! I'm Boomer and I'm the Just About Community Manager 👋

Much like Rich I've also been into games from a young age, but my gaming tastes lean more toward sci-fi and strategy. That said, I love losing myself in a good RPG, and the recent buzz around Dragon's Dogma 2 has it rocketing up my list!

You'll see me around the platform, but you can always tag me ( Boomer ) if you need help, or if you have questions or suggestions 😊

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey everyone, I'm Alex - a Content Manager at Just About. While I'm more involved in bounties and curated content in our other Communities and Spaces, you'll definitely find me popping in here. I played the first Dragon's Dogma and loved it, and everything I've read about the sequel fills me with hope. For me, it's the most exciting release since Baldur's Gate 3.

Platform32's avatar

Howdy, Ian Higton here! I've already played a few hours of Dragon's Dogma 2 for Eurogamer previews and I have had an excellent time using it as a chaos simulator (and a way to bully my Pawns)! You can check out my recent video here where I show off some of the weapons skills from the Magick Archer and Mystic Spearhand vocations (and yeet some Pawns off of a cliff):

Sturmer's avatar

Awesome work, thank you! I'm someone who truly appreciates gameplay videos as a 'see-before-buying' resource.

RhinoRJG's avatar

Loved the video, Ian! Probably going to playing one of these classes. Played the Magicka Archer in the first, but that Spearhand looks incredibly cool.

Platform32's avatar

Even though I technically preferred the Archer's skills overall, I'll probably play Spearhand just for the Jedi powers tbh 😂

MikeCatDaddy's avatar

Ian, your video and streams were what made me finally pick up Dragons Dogma myself. Historically we have had similar tastes in games so I knew I would enjoy it.

Konquest's avatar

I started following Ian on Platform32 since his Avatar stream (Farcry 7) from Eurogamer and have been following his live streams since. I missed out on the original Dragon's Dogma but watching Ian playing the previews has got me to pre-purchase Dragon's Dogma 2 and I've been playing since launch. The interface is different from what I would have expected. I expected more freedom e.g. sort of the feeling of Assassins creed: valhalla or Bethesda Games sort of open world where you can just move around as you want. In Dragon's Dogma 2 you are free but also feels limited in some sense, but I understand being a capcom game. Food is also limited to just cooking meat, No fish or fruits. Those are small issues that I had wished to see, but as long as you approach the game with an open mind. As someone new to Dragon's Dogma 2, I'm loving it.


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