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Dragon's Dogma

Dragon's Dogma
Retro Stu's avatar

This isn't my submission but the measure of any good character creator - can I create Nigel Thornberry?

Yes. Yes I can.

Sturmer's avatar

Just 88 kg? Given those impressive biceps, he must be no taller than 124cm!

Retro Stu's avatar

I've embedded it but it doesn't appear to show up so just in case!

Sturmer's avatar

I'll enlist the help of my 5-year-old sculptor to assist me with this bounty!

Paul's avatar

Not mine but the stuff you can make is scary....

Dave's avatar

This is about the best I can do, not really a patch on some of the extremes other people have come up with.

Sturmer's avatar

It took us a lot of time and laughs, the whole family was involved!

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