The Dragon's Dogma 2 character creator is live now and free for all to use, even if you haven't pre-ordered the game! So let's have some fun - for this bounty, please create the most monstrous or absurd Arisen (or main pawn) you can. The less human they look like a real human, the better; turn all the sliders up to max and give us something to haunt our dreams.
Submit your creation via an original screenshot (see instructions below) and give us a quick introduction. The ten best creations - by which we mean the ones that give us the most nightmares - get $4 apiece!
Anyone can download the character creator for free on PC, PS5, or Xbox here. And if you fancy it, we've got another bounty to make and introduce the Arisen you actually intend to use to play the game (please disregard if you're one of those people who play RPGs with ridiculous character creator horrors. Don't hurt me.)
already paid
$16 / 40
This reward closed to entries at 1:07pm on March 22, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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