We knew about the sphinx well before Dragon's Dogma 2 released and now we've had our hands on the game for a while, it turns out you can kill the riddle-giving monster. So we want you to take her down.
It's possible to kill her in one hit - though we won't spoil how - or you can tackle the fight normally, but pawns can't control where their attacks land when fighting the sphinx, so you're better off taking her on solo. She can drop some pretty sweet loot too, but a word of warning: we'd suggest completing her ten riddles before you kill her, otherwise you may lock yourself out of some extra rewards.
This is a first-come, first-served award - we're not looking for skill or flair in your fights, just proof that you were one of the first seven members to slay the sphinx. Each of those seven will get $8 apiece. Good luck - you'll need it!
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$24 / 56
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