The Dragon's Dogma 2 character creator is a wonderful tool that has all manner of options, from facial features to hair colour, tattoos, body shape, and more. We've all seen pawns on our travels from other players that are inspired by or are practically lookalikes for a celebrity or fictional character, so we want you to now create one of your own!
We're looking for either a screenshot of your pawn in the character creator screen, or a short video of the creation process, so we can confirm the pawn is one of your own and not one you've recruited from a rift. Of course, don't forget to tell us who the pawn is meant to resemble, just in case it isn't obvious from looks alone.
Ten of the best pawns will be in with a chance of netting $6 apiece! If you're happy for other Just About members to recruit your pawn, feel free to leave your player ID in the comments too.
already paid
$6 / 60
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