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Dragon's Dogma

Dragon's Dogma
Paul's avatar

The hangover quest!

A guy at a tavern convinves you to buy a round and the next thing you know you and your pawns are waking up next to a road with none of your gear and no memory of what happened.

A passing vendor finds you and offers some simple vocation equipment to get you by until you find your stuff. He then points you in the direction of the town you were in.

Along the way you bumb in to a famer whos ox's you let loose. You then find them not too far from the farm, save them from wolves/goblins and in return he gives you a bit more information of what you got up to when at his farm, including who you were with.

You continue on to the town and come accross an ox cart at the side of the road with some pissed off people. You were on said cart acting like a t*at and caused it to break and topple over. You help them out and get them back on the road and again they tell you of what you and your "friend" were talking about last night.

This can have as many mini quests as needed to piece together the previous night. The last mess to clean up is at the tavern where a group of thugs have moved in.

You teach them a lesson and discover your new "friend" is there boss and is finding a fence for your equipment. You find said boss with more of his thugs and a fight breaks out. Once the group is defeated you can choose to spare the boss or end him.

I think this is my best picture yet 😂

Ford James's avatar

Hahaha, I love this. The whole 'get so drunk you black out' thing is fairly common in open-world RPGs, but the idea of piecing together the night out afterwards is brilliant, because usually you just end up losing your items or getting thrown in jail.

Limal's avatar

Seasonal Bodyguard

Quest Description

In the kingdom of Vermund, the lifeblood of commerce flows through the veins of well-worn oxcart paths. Celeste, the famed blacksmith of Checkpoint Rest Town, entrusts you with a mission of a great importance. Her latest creation, a masterwork destined for the royal forges in Vernworth, must be safely escorted through the dangerous countryside.


Meet Celeste at Her Smithy: Begin your quest in Rest Town by speaking to Celeste at her smithy to understand the delicate nature of the cargo.

Prepare for the Journey: Gather necessary supplies and review the route. Ensure you are ready for a long trek as fast travel is disabled for this mission.

Escort the Oxcart to Vernworth: Walk alongside the oxcart, ensuring its safety. The cart is too heavy for additional passengers due to the precious cargo.

Scout and Secure the Path: Constantly scout ahead for potential ambushes from bandits or creatures. Neutralize any threats before they can reach the caravan.

Safely Deliver the Cargo: Reach the gates of Vernworth with the oxcart and cargo intact. Hand over the cargo to the royal steward awaiting at the destination.


No Fast Travel: The player must escort the oxcart on foot, making the journey realistically tedious and strategically demanding.

Protect the Oxcart: The oxcart and the oxen pulling it must be kept safe from attacks. Damage to the cart or harm to the animals could jeopardize the entire mission.

Multiple Ambushes: The route is notorious for bandit attacks and roaming monsters. Preparedness and pre-emptive strikes are crucial.


Gold and Supplies: Generous compensation in gold from Celeste for safely delivering her masterwork. A Unique Weapon or Armor Piece: A choice between a custom weapon or a piece of armor crafted by Celeste, showcasing her exceptional skills.

Sturmer's avatar

Dragon's Dogma 2 is designed so that you can change your vocations and skills very easily. There are no penalties or costly respecs required - simply visit the vocation guild and speak to an NPC. They've even streamlined gear changes to make the process seamless. However, some conservative players may stick to a single vocation out of fear of committing to something new, which limits their experience and potential for augmentations even for their main build.

My suggestion is to introduce an optional quest that encourages vocation experimentation. This quest would require players to change their vocation three times, each time venturing out to complete specific tasks. To keep the quest manageable and focused, it should be divided into three separate quests, each with the objective of gaining three levels in each new vocation, amounting to roughly 10-20 minutes of gameplay just outside the city.

The reward for completing each vocation objective should be a weapon appropriate to that vocation, encouraging players to continue exploring that path, especially as they unlock new skills. Completing all three parts of the quest should grant a special Ring that offers a universal benefit, such as an experience boost, applicable to any vocation. This approach not only enhances gameplay but also enriches the overall experience by rewarding versatility and adaptation.

Konquest's avatar

The Fallen Pawn

In this quest your pawn has caught the dragon’s plague. But rather than simply killing your pawn it won’t reset. Instead they are put in a Comma/Trance state of unconsciousness and you have to go into their sort of dream or spirit world where you have to pass 3 trials which you will have to do solo (no pawn followers)

One of Might - Straight forward just fight x number of waves.

One of Loyalty - you are put in a situation where you have to save either your pawn or your (favorite NPC) you can only save one, the other will die which is of course an illusion as this is all in their head.

One of Courage - you are chased by hoards of enemies and you are naked and have no weapons. Everything in the game points you to run from point A to B (finish line) but in order to win this you have to just simply stop running and let the hoards attack you but at the last moment before they attack they will just stop and the dream sequence ends.

Your pawn then greets you and evaluate how you have done. If you failed the quests, your pawn is corrupted and lost to the dragon. If you succeed then your pawn overcomes the plague and your bond is stronger than before and as a result you can assign them all vocations including warfarer, mystic spearhand, magick archer and trickster(includes all Maister skills).

Ford James's avatar

Harsh penalty for failing, but Dragon's Dogma 2 isn't a particularly forgiving game (I'm looking at you, Sphinx quests) so I like it!

Konquest's avatar

hahaha. Exactly! same as them letting essential NPC to die as well making the quests impossible. Not to mention dragons plague and pawns killing half the population of a city 😄

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