Without quests, Dragon's Dogma 2 would still be an enjoyable romp through a fantasy land, but without much direction or explanation for why you're there and how you're able to command a squad of fighters who are at your beck and call.
Quests range from the simple to the infuriatingly tricky - we're looking at you, Sphinx - and we want you to design a new one! This can be a main quest involving some of the core characters that could slot into the story, or a side quest off the beaten track. Tell us all about how the quest begins, where it takes place, the possible outcomes, and all the rewards you can earn for a chance of earning $7.
There are five rewards available. We're looking for a minimum of 100 words in writing or video, but we're hoping to see well thought-through quests that tell stories with several characters and lots of twists, so the more detailed you can go, the better.
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$28 / 35
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