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Dragon's Dogma

Dragon's Dogma
Sturmer's avatar

You mean the Sphinx riddle? I've seen some Redditors did it the vanilla way, but it is absurdly hard and pointless, wish they add an achievement for it.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I do. And yep, it's outrageously difficult. You can drop the vase just from walking down steep surfaces, let alone when you're attacked by minotaurs. If it's not worthy of an achievement, I'm not sure what is.

Thomas's avatar

I had to look up a guide for this, but I did start trying to carry it. It seems unfathomably difficult, even just getting out of the temple.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I destroyed it once walking through the canyon, a second time fighting some goblins, and once after being blindsided by a charging minotaur. I then tried one more time, putting it down before the minotaur battle, slew the minotaur, and returned to find the pot gone (presumably smashed). I then turned off the Xbox and went and had a camomile tea.


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