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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
MQC's avatar

My idea is that the Thargoids are going to mind-control a relevant political/social figure who was rescued from those humans imprisoned in the Titans, and take on the role of leader of a faction made up of other rescued people, the Far God Cultists and the Xeno-Lovers of the galaxy.

Why not?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I was speculating on similar lines. Maybe the usual 'goid sympathisers won't be the only human ships commanders will have to worry about for the final stargoid...

XCezor's avatar

I'm pretty sure that commanders attacking other humans in the Titan systems are mind-controlled by the Thargoids. It's clear to see they don't think straight and something must stay behind this aggression... right?

Thargoids are using other commanders to protect themselves, most commonly manipulating folks inside casual, unprepared ships with regular human weapons, that are perfect against anti-xeno human ships and terrible against Thargoid vessels.


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