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Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous
ENDERS's avatar

I scroll that main sub daily on my free time at work, its great to see it on there. The /r/eliteexplorers/ is a decent place for this I think as well. There is also /r/EliteCarriers/ that comes to mind but it would need to be catered for relevance, and to be honest I think this can be made relevant to all Elite: Dangerous players in any setting. Of course there is always the mighty r/gaming however it requires posters to have some Karma from the sub in order to post.

I'm not sure why the one Commander there is "torn" since this site is really a win win for all involved. Marketing, one way or another, is marketing. :)

As always I am doing my best to spread the word about the JustAbout / Just community and hope to see more engaguement with these awesome bounties as well.

I've been concocting ideas and gathering footage for this since I saw it go live the other day. I'm excited to see what people cook up.


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