I don't buy into the "right" or "wrong" Y-axis preference, but I grew up on Timesplitters which was invert by default, so that's how my brain is wired lol.
In the demo, unless I'm immensely dense, there is no Y-axis invert/standard option. Is that going to be in the full release? I was BARELY able to beat the first boss in the demo due to wildly swinging the camera around.
I do like the game, it scratched both the form and function itches that haven't been scratched since Darksiders 3, but I GENUNIELY won't be able to play it unless I can invert the Y-axis.
Hopefully Secret Mode is watching the community posts and has an answer?
P.S. also subtitle options? Not sure if there are voice lines yet aside from when your player character does their "ultimate" move, which I'm not sure was in English... but the reason I'm not sure is because there are no subtitles lmao
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