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EVE Online

EVE Online
AlexGra 's avatar

Here are some ways to use Excel for enhancing EVE Online experience:

In Profit Tracking 💰: For creating a spreadsheet to track our mining, trading, or manufacturing profits. And for Recording input costs, sale prices, and quantities to analyze our earnings.

In Market Analysis 📈: For importing market data into Excel to identify trends in item prices. We can Use VLOOKUP or INDEX MATCH for compare prices and make informed trading decisions.

In Inventory Management 📋: For Maintaining an inventory spreadsheet to track our in-game assets, including ships, modules, and resources. Keep tabs on what we own and their locations.

In Blueprint Tracking 📝: For Managing our manufacturing projects by listing required resources, blueprint details, and progress status. Use conditional formatting to highlight items that need attention.

In Route Planning 🗾: For Planing efficient travel routes using Excel's data sorting and filtering features. Calculate jump distances, fuel consumption, and estimated travel times.

In Fleet Coordination 🚀: For Developing a fleet organization sheet with pilot names, ship types, roles, and communication details. Keep everyone informed and organized during group activities.

In ISK Tracking 💸: For Monitoring our ISK income and expenses to maintain a healthy financial overview. Visualize your economic progress using charts and graphs.

In PI (Planetary Interaction) Optimization 🌐: For optimizing planetary colonies. Calculate resource yields, extractors' cycles, and setup costs for better colony management.

Also in Market Trading for price tracking and profit calculation.

Thanks for Reading!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

AlexGra I'm currently putting together our curated content for these tips and just wanted to say that this is brilliantly done. Excellent work.

orik Kado's avatar

While third-party tools exist to facilitate our projects within EVE, there are players who prefer to do their own custom work. In my case, I love industry and am always looking for options to plan my projects. Undoubtedly, the EVE X Excel add-on is one of the simplest to use. However, simple doesn't equate to easy—you need to shape your idea and figure out how to utilize all the data you'll obtain.

Before I dive into the tips, let me explain my project a bit (context is needed, or nothing will make sense). Basically, I wanted to design a table that would allow me to calculate my composite manufacturing, meaning how much material I need, how many runs would be necessary for a specific quantity, and an approximate cost of the materials.

With this context in mind, I'll now provide you with tips that might help you shape your ideas. Remember that this add-on is not only useful for industry—it provides an impressive amount of information for practically everything.

If you want to track or retrieve information for specific items, you'll need to know the ID. To simplify this task, I recommend using This way, you can learn the ID related to the item and list it in your project.

In my case, as I want to calculate composite manufacturing, I created a sheet solely to store IDs, names, and average prices of all the items needed in the process. This is to use one of Excel's most beautiful and useful functions: VLOOKUP. It also keeps your main sheet more organized with the necessary information (plus, it looks cleaner).

Break down your idea into smaller parts. Don't try to accomplish everything in a single formula. In my experience, it's better to perform small operations and chain them together to achieve the desired result.

With these three parameters, I've managed to get an approximate cost of my composites. I can see the approximate quantity of materials I'll need and how many runs I need to execute for the desired amount. If applicable, I can also see how much material I'll have left over. I've kept it fairly simple, but it's still possible to make it more accurate by adding more variables. However, for my needs, this is more than sufficient.

If you'd like to take a look at my project, here's the link for you to download it (just remember, the headers are in Spanish, so take the opportunity to learn some new words in another language :D).

Melicien Tetro's avatar

Alright, I learned a tool just to share. Been playing this game almost 20 years, and my final boss remains.... TIME ZONE CONVERSION. Once you finally think you're getting it right, boom you miss something because you had the time right but on the wrong DAY. Let's solve that. For this example, GMT is going to live in B. GMT-6 (CST) is gonna be A and GMT+6(OMSK) is gonna be C You've got a fleet at 10:00 PM GMT on 8/21/23 So let's say B2=8/21/23 22:00 On C2, you'll use =B2+ (6/24) and A2 will be =B2- (6/24) So that 22:00 OP is 8/21/23 16:00 CST OR 8/22/23 04:00 OMSK

Quite a difference! Yeek! There are better tools to solve these problems in better ways, but I didn't see anyone posting em so here I am. :D

Schadsquatch's avatar

To actually implement the EVE to your Microsoft Excel Sheets, you're going to need to install the EVE Add-In!

Insert ---> Get Add-In ---> Search for EVE ---> Import Character ---> Enjoy having all of your character's information added to Excel!

Once you have your characters added, you can use the function ' =EVEONLINE.CHARACTER_ASSETS() ' to load all of your pilots' assets to see what you actually have scattered across the 5000+ systems in New Eden.

Play around the with the cards to create some fun tables as well! I have created a table that shows how much of each item I have lying around in the major trade hubs that I actively trade in. I surprisingly have 4000+ Exotic Dancers, Male sitting for me in Jita for some unknowable reason.

The most important button to click though is 'type' when you hover over the item. You can gather even greater amounts of data about which ever thing you are wishing to sell/trade. Important bits of information are: volume and average price.

I'm going to include a very rudimentary PI spreadsheet I use to keep track of what each of my capsuleers are pulling from which planets inside of my c5 wormhole! This helps me keep track of what I am pulling, and where different chokepoints are. Very much a work in progress.

Squatch out o7

Brother Grimoire's avatar

I habitually rub dryer sheets on my brain to keep the wrinkles out, so my usage of Excel for EVE is very shallow.

That being said, it's very useful for keeping track of characters, manufacturing costs, planetary interactions, etc. I've found that the best way to "git gud" in excel, like with many programs, is to learn the shortcuts. flashbacks to highschool photoshop and video production intensify In this submission, I will detail the few shortuts I know that will save you clicks and keep carpal tunnel at bay.

  1. F4 - Repeat last edit

This one is huuuuuuge! Did a price or other value change across the board? Just use F4 to repeat that change you just input to speed up the editing process!

  1. "ALT + = " - inserts the SUM function

The SUM function automatically completes the other functions in your block of data and then spits out the end result. This is very useful to save time when building your industry spreadsheets!


This shortcut opens up the search menu so that you can find a particular entry quickly!

Melicien Tetro's avatar

I don't have anything to contribute to this bounty, but I'm stoked for the results. I could really use 10 good excel tricks. :D

Kane Carnifex's avatar

No excel here, used google sheet to do some basic stuff.

Jumpfuel & Reward Calculation for JF Trips Reaction (Mats,Costs, Reward simplyfied) Alliance Tournment Spreadsheet

FUN INC's avatar

If I showed you I'd have to kill you! :)

Mark my words, our AT tracker is amazeballs - it tracks what pilots have flown what ships, in what doctrines, and how many times; it shows the ship fits, and can generate a shopping list (for TQ) based on comps. It also checks players skills and mastery levels.

The only things it didn't do was win us a match!!

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Woah, some of the Ideas I love and will copy them. (Detailed Tracking) The Mastery sounds like something with ESI or some manuell input.

Yeah, some AT Tournment Spreadsheets are huge...very huge.

FUN INC's avatar

I can't recall how we did it, it may have been a snapshot at a particular time - i can't really recall.

That said, it was super helpful when bans came in for each match and in the process of deciding what comp to bring based on the people who had turned up, it 100% took the onus off having to "make decisions" rather making decisions based on data. All that said, it didn't help as we got eliminated without a win (other than the feeders), but the planning was robust!


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