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EVE Online

EVE Online
Schadsquatch's avatar This has been a month long cov-ops mission where my small team and I prevent a small low-sec pirate corporation getting themselves into my c5 wormhole.

Two buddies of mine accidentally 'gave' away their structures that I have been living in for the past 3 months to the other CEO of his low-sec corp when he switched over to PH. Alek (the new CEO) never gave them back. He tried to be friendly to me and my friends inside of the c5 wormhole, but we did not like the way he was trying to force us to run errands. He basically wanted to turn the c5 into his own isk faucet where he makes all of the rules.

We spend the next month playing nice, going on fleets and such but all the while ignoring his requests to find him and his corp an entrance into the wormhole. We would even make false entrances through TripWire to throw him off the scent.

All the while, we were saving up isk to purchase our own structures to put down in the c5 OFF stream. Very sneaky.

The last couple of days we began to start shooting down the old structures inside of the c5. Alek began to panic as he noticed that 'his' structures were being shot down by the old owners, Perceus Finch and Trent. He began to feverishly demand entrances into the c5. I told him I was busy with my family so he needs to talk to the other guys. Again, trying to play the nice guy.

My friends, who were in on the situation, began to demand isk from Alek as payment to get into the c5 to save the structures. Alek paid but then they ghosted him. They began to create alt accounts as another way to skim more money out of his low-sec wallet. All-in-all I believe we were able to scam 2-3 billion isk from him. He began to lose hope and begged that I 'man the guns' and try to put down some of the dreads we had stationed on grid. I sheepishly responded, "Those structures are as good as dead, its just space pixels". The structures were then put into hull timers.

Last night, I did a tell all as I streamed us shooting down the fortizar. The viewers were shocked that I was putting down my old fortizar because I spent the last few streams complaining that I was 'forced' out of my home by these scumbags. We ended up taking down the fort much to the salty tears of the low-sec group.

My favorite quote of the night:

TLDR: We spent a month scamming the people who scammed my buddy out of their c5 structures. Last night we finally blew up my old Fortizar. Welcome to EVE.

Brother Grimoire's avatar

The explosion at the end was beautiful.

Nice to see scumbags getting what they deserve!


James 's avatar Not a single kill but 1100 Dread battle Battle report is almost 5 Tril destroyed

EVEIL's avatar

I've been having fun in metaliminal storms, using the bonsues they provide to supercharge my Enyo. I've been taking fights against ships that I normally wouldn't engage, and catching people off guard with how hard the Enyo hits, and how hard it is to kill.

Then I added a second Enyo, and Frat kept feeding me expensive kills. Glorious.


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