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EVE Online

EVE Online
Alex Sinclair's avatar

This is very useful. I'm definitely going to take advantage of those coffee recommendations. The only other restaurant I have to add to the list is Tapas Barinn. I ate there last year, and it wasn't to everyone's taste, but there were some really interesting dishes like the (intentionally) raw lamb.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Shit, the Minke Whale offer in the Gourmet kicked me out. Will have a look if its still on the card.

If you stand beside the blue whale skeleton you need to do a 20 sanity roll.

Smoked puffin with blueberry “brennivín” sauce

Is the national animal, and Icelandi is one of the countrys which eat their national animal

Icelandic arctic char with candy beets salad, asparagus and elderflower-hollandaise

The Char <3 and possible homemade hollandaise -> win win

Lobster tails baked in garlic

How is the Status of it? Last time 2021 it was banned for fishing in iceland. So everything was imported. ( Source Local Fisherman hot pot)

Pan-fried blue ling with lobster sauce

Grilled Icelandic lamb tenderloin with beer-butterscotch sauce

There probably more Lamb on this iceland than humans :)

Minke Whale with sweet potato mash and malt sauce

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Woah. I'm not sure that the whale is for me, but I think we need a new drooling reaction.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Sat. 23 @ 12:30 3,5 Hours Experience ~ 20 Courses - 400 Bucks See ya there. And Thanks Ithica Hawk for this amazing tip.

Rixx Javix's avatar

Everyone knows you need to be drunk to eat the hotdogs. On a few "poor" trips to Fanfest we literally survived on these hotdogs. Your experience may vary, but I don't believe they are dogshit.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Yes, agree. If you drunk and Limited on Food Supply and there is no 24/7 Supermarket close by. As german i would say something like in the emergency the devil will eat flys :)

But if you got drunk... yes than you getting poor really fast. You can ask for the good spirits in the bars :P

Kane Carnifex's avatar

I gonna extend the list, i got these places recommended and after I ordered their they got approved.

Icelandic Subway Sandwich, say no more:

-> Hlöllabátar

Either the BOMBA or the Battleship (Thanks to Volta)

Nepalese (mix with indian food?!)

-> Himalayan Spice Pricy but very nice classy service.

Their is a taste plate for 2 Person which can easily extend for more people. (Thanks to Brave)

Asian Noodle Cuisine?

-> Viet Noodles Good & cheap

(Thanks to Brave)


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