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EVE Online

EVE Online
Schadsquatch's avatar

Those are some nice fonts you got there Mŷs Tæ Rae! I wonder what's next!! Would love to see your IG 😍

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Are you just referring to the fonts used on the Stage 2 post or have you uncovered one of the secrets? :D

Schadsquatch's avatar

Found the most recent secrets! Waiting for more information from our friend Mŷs Tæ Rae

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Oh man, I've only uncovered one secret so far! I've not unlocked the safe!

Mŷs Tæ Rae's avatar

I've found out what an IG is! Oh, you and your cryptic ways.

Schadsquatch's avatar

I would love to send you some sponsorship details! If ONLY I could find your IG!!!

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Schadsquatch I still can't crack their safe! If I point you in the direction of their IG perhaps you could drop me a safe cracking hint?

Schadsquatch's avatar

I found their IG, but to crack the safe you need to find Mŷs Tæ Rae 's posts on the Feed page. It took me some time! Good luck!

Schadsquatch's avatar

Mŷs Tæ Rae Hey! I found most of your socials! Is there anything that I need to do?


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