EVE Fanfest has been going for a while, hasn't it? Growing every single year, the annual get-together of EVE Online players in Reykjavík, Iceland, is always a cause for celebration, and this year's was one for the ages. Fanfest 2023 was the biggest ever, the first to sell out entirely, and gave us some huge announcements including EVE Online: Havoc, the next expansion arriving later this year, and EVE Vanguard, an FPS module linked to the space MMO.
As the sun sets on the fifteenth-ever Fanfest, we want to hear your fondest memories from Fanfests past - bonus points if you have pictures or videos to share too! Maybe you've been going for over a decade and you have some stories from the good ol' days, or 2023 was your first time attending and you just want to share that first-time glow. Tell us everything!
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