EVE Online has plenty of third-party communities and channels that roleplay within New Eden. We won't name any examples here to refrain from giving away potential answers, but we want to hear about the communities, channels, and resources you go to regularly to feel more immersed in EVE Online - and more importantly, why they're so great!
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$20 / 48
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The Wormhole Police Department
Protecting the Universe, One Wormhole at a Time
Service Guarantees Salt
As Morally Stout and Upstanding Officers of the Law, it is our duty to Protect and Serve the mean streets of Sacred Wormhole Space. Vinnegar Douche (www.twitch.tv/Vinnegar_Dooshay), Apollo Okaski, Wylo Otsada, Phyve Solette, Damoranthe Sponge, Squizz (www.zkill.com), DeltaCharlie, VyeKing Odinson and myself (www.twitch.tv/hereticalcoffee) are tasked with the patrol and protection of sacred wormhole space commonly referred to as J-Space or Anoikis.
For too long the empires of New Eden have attempted to besmirch the good name of the so called "Pirate Factions" such as the honorable Blood Raiders, the stout Serpentis, the moral Angel Cartel, the superior Sansha Nation, and the great Guristas. These empires instruct their newly trained bloodthirsty capsuleers to invade these innocent groups data storage facilities and graveyards to steal whatever they can carry with a promise of profit and prestige so long as they don't care about the morally bankrupt actions they commit.
Even now as I sit here in my police patrol astero, empire aligned capsuleers are being tasked with murdering innocent Blood Raider Families!!! Being told to go into Blood Raider homes and STEAL FROM THEM!!! The empires never think of the effect their actions have on these poor blood raiders and their children.
As a proud supporter of the Blood Raider Children's Charity, the WHPD ensures that every Blood Raider child made orphan by these dirtbags never goes hungry.
This season, find it in your black bottomless heart to pledge a donation to the Blood Raider's Children Charity. Ensure no child goes hungry as a result of capsuleer greed and corruption.
For more information please find our website at www.whpd.space
I'm back from my holidays and going through the posts that I missed. And I have to say, this one is one of my favourite JA EVE posts so far - five stars.
The Roleplay is Primary discord server, which attempts to gather all EvE Online roleplayers in one place.
However, I would suggest to take the Fiction portal of the forum as well as the player made resources with a grain of salt: they are player made and they can be biased. The EvE rp community is not all sweet and flowers as it can appear, of course there are exceptions, but you know, being aware helps making an informed choice, which is the best kind of choice.
If you want to simply read player fan fiction set in the EvE universe, then take a loot at:
Note for Just About: I had quite some troubles copying my bounty submission from the txt in which I wrote it. The "- some text" of a bullet point kind disappeared/bugged out. Then links disappeared as well and took pieces of text with them and if you clicked to add a preview to a link, it made chunks of text disappear as the preview replaced them altogether. I managed to add links after I wrote all the rest but they still very buggy.
Apologies for the slow reply to this, I've been on my annual leave. Some members, myself included, have also come unstuck with the bullet points issue. It's firmly on our tech team's radar. As for the other issues, we've made some updates since this post that may have already fixed this. If you have them again, let me know; I'll make sure the tech team sees to them. Thanks for your patience!
Brother Grimoire beat me there, but absolutely The Wormhole Police (WHPD) top the list for me too! Find Vinnegar_Dooshay on Twitch and check out the community he has built.
I'm starting to lose count of the number of 'tickets' I've received while desecrating the ancient relics of Anoikis, not just from WHPD but Vinne specifically, but it's hilarious every single time!
Unfortunately I'm a dirtbag that never learns and think I may be on some form of Most Wanted list but.... it's worth it. Fantastic content and community of role players, no complaints and I hope to continue to be on the receiving end of their roleplay.
Also Wingspan with their Missile Delivery service, but they may have got a little big for their britches!
Aah! And i've just remember Eve Scout/Signal Cartel! Too many good ones for one submission!
The WHPD thanks you for your support even in the event that you are a self-proclaimed dirtbag. If you ever want to get right with the law MEME Fleet is hosted every Sunday at 1PM Eastern Time (US), get your community service credits by enforcing IUS Penal Code.
Please reconsider the filthy Porch Pirates and Litterbug Cult that are Wingspan and Signal Cartel, they are a scourge on the streets of anoikis. Little more than a criminal street gang in fact.
-Heretical Coffee
The Wormhole Police
Badge Number 666
Hands down Vinnegar_Dooshay on Twitch and his group The Wormhole Police is my favorite roleplaying channel and organization in the game.
They patrol wormhole space looking for dirtbag criminals that may be littering, killing the local defenders, plundering important natural resources from their rightful inhabitants, or damaging culturally senstitive landmarks. When they find these dirtbags, they arrest them and impound their ship.