We all know that encounters of the kinetic variety are common in New Eden. EVE Online is famous (infamous?) for its vast, intricate wars and galaxy-altering battles, but those are the tales that are most frequently told, and we know there’s much more to EVE than that. For this bounty, we wanted to hear about the high-octane, thrilling adventures that don't involve any combat - because, as veteran EVE players know, they can be just as interesting as the more publicised, more violent ones. And my word did you all deliver.
For the master collection of true tales from everyone's favourite space opera MMO, check out EVE Online stories.
A grand heist
Kicking things off is greybill, who has an excellent tale of lucking into some serious loot. Under some serious time pressure before a CTA (Call to Action) in less than an hour, he embarked on a trip through a few wormholes until he encountered a Class Five system. Knowing these can be inhabited, he took a gander and found a Fortizar loitering near the sun.
Greybill has uploaded this story to his own website, so we recommend you read it over there for the full tale which builds the tension magnificently, but to cut to the chase, he managed to escape with almost two billion ISK, and even got confirmation that the folks who abandoned so much loot returned later on, only to find it all gone.
The little Titan pilot that couldn't
Not every heist story has to be successful to be entertaining, as Rixx Javix proves with his tale of when he almost stole a Titan. He explains that in his younger years of EVE Online, Titans were hard to come by - so much so that every Titan in the game was tracked on a third-party website, which included the pilot behind the wheel. And Rixx Javix had a nemesis who went by the name of Jenna Trueman.
The full story is well worth a read but it is quite long, so we won't include the full post here - head over to his original comment to check it out. It ends with these very wise words however:
"Some stories don’t end with the narrator achieving the greatest goal ever. And not every story is one that will be remembered forever in the annals of Eve history. More often than not, great stories are about pushing your own limits and discovering adventure on your own terms. One day, long ago, I almost stole a Titan. And, for me, that is a pretty amazing tale."
My precious
While some EVE Online players are stacking the big bucks and have almost bottomless pockets full of ISK, Swagger Olacar is not one of them. He explains he much prefers piloting subcapital ships instead of capital ones, and rarely engages in PvP.
So the fact he has managed to save up for a Revelation-class Amarr dreadnought bearing the logo of his alliance solely through ratting is a monumental achievement. He will no longer be on the receiving end of dreadbombs either, as he can now partake in them himself. Celebrating the personal victories is important, and this is a big one.
Alerts, loneliness, and alliances
Finally, we have three slightly shorter tales to celebrate. First up is Brother Grimoire, who self-effacingly says his tale isn't riveting, but it sure sounds tense:
"I was rolling a wormhole with some friends and SOMEONE got the math wrong, leaving the rolling Megathron I was piloting in Nullsec. Alone, afraid, and naked in the amniotic pool that is my pod, I bravely made 50 jumps back to Hisec and kept the Megathron alive."
Kane Carnifex simply wants to celebrate the Jump Freighter service he manages within his alliance, describing his team as "trusty and honourful", along with a screenshot of his first and only JF.
Finally, FUN INC has a metagame celebration: CCP themselves sent out an in-game alert, telling all EVE Online players to head over to CCP TV to catch Keacte giving a presentation about the different roles within a fleet and how to get involved with PvP. He presented for an hour and destroyed around 5.5B ISK - a huge congratulations.
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