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Kane Carnifex's avatar

1. Riddle: See Picture, it was in ... i used google lense to translate

  1. Answer: rooks and kings

Kane Carnifex's avatar

boah hard to find... 1 Hour going lowsec - Nullsec

Which player organisation is known for the pipe bomb technique. Just recreate my translation process for the lulz.

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Yeah this is rough going! I've just spent 3 hours hopping through low-sec, I've found 2 so far, both already empty

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Should we be adding a submission and comments every time we find one, or gambling with one submission containing as many as we can as early as we can in one post?

Kane Carnifex's avatar

I would update the orginal one. Yeah, once i made it empty i thought it will disapear or so.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Good question Wadd Enderas It's very tempting to say 'you have to gamble on when you share them'. I'm playing a lot of Marvel Snap at the moment and can't help but think that would make a fun little Marvel Snap-like game mechanic.

However, let's keep it simple - just update your original post. We'll manually check through the updated versions when we award the bounty to make sure all the updates are above board.

Wadd Enderas's avatar
  1. Riddle: "What is the Gurista counterpart to the Scorpion?" Answer: rattlesnake

  2. Riddle: "Arithmos Tyrannos est un pilote dangereux, pour quelle faction commande t-il son fameux cuirasse?" Answer: drifters

  3. Riddle: "カルダリの叙事詩アークの名前は何ですか. (カタカナ)" Answer: ペナンブラ

  4. Riddle: "What is the second most important building material in Minmatar ships?" Answer: My guess is "rust", but CCP forgot to lock it, confirmed on stream it was unlocked

  5. Riddle: "On a scale of 1 to 10, how difficult is a 5/10 DED site?" Answer: five

  6. Riddle: "What symbol can be formed by the connections of 5 pocket systems in Deklein?" Answer: pentagram

Cpt Armarlio's avatar

Missed a few to write down as I didn't realize this webpage was a thing but here is what I got.

  1. Riddle: Wie heißt die konstellation, die den „Caroline Star“ trägt?  Answer: B-PHYN

  2. Riddle: Кто водит волшебный школьный автобус?  Answer:  mike azariah

  3. Riddle: Как называется эпическая сюжетная линия Kалдари?  Answer: penumbra

  4. Riddle: Quel est le nom du système où vous rencontrez Sister Alitura? Answer: Poinen

  5. Riddle: Virge Salvador Sarpati is also known as?  Answer: the snake

  6. Riddle: Who is the Serpentis Corporation internal security commander?  Answer: tuvan orth

  7. Riddle: Who is the CEO of ORE?  Answer: orion mashel

  8. Riddle: Who formed the Mordu's Legion?  Answer: muryia mordu

  9. Riddle: Arithmos Tyrannos ist ein Pilot, der ein tödliches Schlachtschiff für welche Fraktion fliegt?  Answer: drifters

  10. Riddle: Arithmos Tyrannos is a dangerous pilot, commanding a deadly battleship for which faction? Answer: drifters

  11. Riddle: How many years ago did humans colonize New Eden? Answer: 15000

  12. Riddle: Как называется высший ранг в ополчении фракции Амарр? Answer: божественный коммодор

  13. Riddle: What region lies in the south west corner of New Eden? Answer: period basis

  14. Riddle: Wie heißt der Epic Arc des Caldari State? Answer: halbschatten

  15. Riddle: Wie lautete der Spitzname des Systems, in dem die erste Keepstar-Zitadelle verankert war? Answer: rage

  16. Riddle: What is the name of the Caldari State Epic Arc? Answer: penumbra

Thanks again to all the GM’s, ISD’s and CCP for organizing this again; I had a lot of fun doing this event, got me out of my normal activity, got to see some sights and got a few kills along the way! Here is my haul I managed to get overall.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

This is impressive. You've been busy!

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