Earlier this month, we asked you all for your thoughts on large railguns after they were buffed in the Viridian expansion. They were in need of some serious TLC and as a result, received a +15% bonus to tracking speed and rate of fire. It doesn't sound drastic on paper, but was it enough to get them on the radar of our expert EVE Online community again?
According to JAKEL33T, they never left. "I have always loved rails," he explained. "I use them on my PvE Kronos and ever since the Viridian expansion, the performance for that ship has been so much better. I don't think the buff makes them overpowered, simply more sustainable when compared to other weapon systems." He went on to share his full Kronos PvE ship fit, though he warns it isn't quite suitable for PvP.
Salartarium didn't think large railguns were underpowered. Instead, he suggests they weren't used much thanks to heavy assault cruisers dominating the meta, and that even though this large railgun buff was a welcome one, the meta is already starting to shift again as new ships are introduced to the game. "The Alligator will likely become one of the most used PvE ships, and it seems Zarzakh is bringing back cruisers to roams while everyone is still testing out lancers." He also hopes CCP keeps up its willingness to refine stats, with so many new ships and modules coming to EVE Online.
Finally, greybill is a huge fan of the large railgun buff, but for a slightly unexpected reason. He explained he bought five Kronoses the day the buff happened, then sold them within 24 hours for 150% of the price. Impeccable entrepreneurialism.
Do you have any additional thoughts on large railguns? Let us know in the comments.
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