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EVE Online

EVE Online
orik Kado's avatar

While my colleagues have already mentioned many of the most logical options, I believe that something important that was overlooked was the ability to buy both the loot they recover from the cold wrecks of their rivals and finding ways to purchase their LP so they have more ISK to equip themselves. You can have all the ships and ammunition in the perfect system, but if your teammates lack ISK, it will be difficult to sell anything. And perhaps I would add offering a small courier service for the more whimsical pilots. With that, you can make the most of any possible space you have in your ships when traveling between regions.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

There are many ways in my opinion to help with war efforts without actually getting involved in direct PvP.

  1. Haul and move ships closer to the front lines

  2. Create an in-game mailing list for PvP pilots who need specific modules for fits they run a lot and move those to staging systems for them.

  3. Move, say frigate and destroyer blueprints and minerals close to front-line systems in order to supply specific ships

  4. Rigs and subsystems can also be moved to front-line areas.

  5. Using Astro's or Cov Ops ships to scout/scan down enemy ships for a fleet without actually becoming involved in the actual clash of ships.

  6. Creating deep safe spots & Gate pings for pilots in your corporation.

  7. Creating above station insta-docks and insta-undocks for your corporation members.

  8. Keep abreast of system changes & send a daily mail say around 8pm with all the days current system changes.

  9. Creat alts to infiltrate enemy corporations to get movements and plans enabling your fleets to counter/ambush and destroy enemy forces effortlessly.

Just a few things :)

Melicien Tetro's avatar

My first thought was obviously, INDUSTRY, but everyone else has posted it.Exploration can be valuable. FW border zones are disproportionately littered with drifter holes, and pochven is pochven.

Explorers are the ones who secure the lines of attack and retreat, they give you tools to pivot around That One Gatecamp when stuff gets too hot.

As an explorer, just explore, bookmark, get it on pathfinder or galaxyfinder or whatever.

Give your FCs better tools, and if possible, scream loudly if you find something strategically viable.

Explorers are the ones who keep FCs from having to take the most predictable routes.

FUN INC's avatar

I'm going to go off tangent here from the usual answers!

I have three words for you. Deep. Space. Recon.

Go full DSR pilot, and bookmark staging systems, bookmark structures where fights may occur, and generally attempt to get a strategic advantage on your enemies.

A while back, one of the main NPSI leads for a large NPSI group declared war on the region of Providence. It was kind of farcical - a ragtag group of unaligned pilots waging war - it went as well as can be expected. It didn't happen at all.

That said, I stepped up to offer DSR for the NPSI collective and provided more than 1k strategic bookmarks within each of the systems within provi. This included a standard of 3 bookmarks on gates, and stations. With a further ~20 gate tacs on some of the likely muster points / fight points.

All in I spent around 1week prepping, in order that we could attempt to gain some strategic advantage on our enemies.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Great submission, thanks Keacte!

Cpt Armarlio's avatar

Keeping the stations closest to the insurgency FOB’s topped up with a variety of drug boosters always works for me to make a little bit of ISK on the side and it helps everyone out in or out of the FW effort.

-Drugs are good mkay!

greybill's avatar

Warriors need weapons.

In New Eden, those weapons are ships, modules, ammunition, drugs, and drones. Stocking the local markets of your preferred faction is an effective way to keep your fighters on grid. If they can restock or reship fast, that is a clear advantage. And it can be profitable as well - for both sides.

If I can recommend an item to sell, it would be (navy) cap-charges and nanite repair paste. Almost all PvP fits utilize them in one way or another. Keep the good fights going and give your guys and gals in the field the ammunition to do it.


JAKEL33T's avatar

As mentioned by others, keeping the markets flush and ZZ stocked with materials. Also Intel, reporting movment in the right channels.

It's a PVP expansion so the options for support without getting into PVP are few, even moving goods gets you into PVP adjacent gameplay...


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