What are Insurgencies? How are they related to Frontlines and Faction Warfare? How do you find people to fly with and what are the risks? New features are complicated, especially when they’re built on top of existing features. Rather than trying to explain the changes ourselves, we’re handing over to those who know them best: our expert Just About EVE Online community.
And we’re not just providing a single guide, but a range of options to fit your time, knowledge level, and content consumption needs. We’re good like that. We’ll start you off with a written guide, before sharing a quick five-minute explainer, a detailed 20-minute walkthrough, and finally a comprehensive two-and-a-half-hour stream.
The written newbro guide
First up, here’s KAZO+AR, with a beginners’ guide on how to fleet with one of the new pirate factions. The guide focuses on the Angel Cartel - KAZOAR’s recommended faction for newer players looking for community.
“Greetings space friends and preys,
Step one: Join the faction of your choice (Angel Cartel if you follow my advice). You’ll find a very easy in-game tutorial for doing so.
Step two: Join the public ‘Angel Cartel Standing’ fleet and speak up in the fleet chat. The people there will be very happy to link you to the Discord channel for comms.
Step three: Join the Discord. You’ll find plenty of information about what’s going on, like when and where to join, trading assets, which ships to fly, etc. If a question flies through your mind, feel free to ask in the general chat or just speak up, you’ll always get a good answer.”
“If you don’t know what ship to bring, hop in a solo PvP frigate - a cheap one that you can afford to lose. Ask for a fitting in fleet chat or experiment on the website EVE Workbench. You’ll find lots of options there, and you’ll be able to copy-paste the fitting in-game very easily. Don’t forget: task plus skills equals fitting.
“The Highsec market hubs closest to the front would be Rends VI - Moon 8 - Brutor Tribe Treasury and Hek VIII - Moon 12 - Boundless Creation Factory. But be careful: Highsec isn’t a safe place for you anymore.”
Why isn’t it safe for you? For starters, now that you’re with the pirates you have a target on your back in empire space. Insurgencies have also blurred the lines of security systems, turning previously safe(ish) areas into violent hotzones.
So you’ve joined a faction, you’ve a fitted ship, and you’ve people to fly with. What’s next?
“You’re now in the fleet with an FC (Fleet Commander) and a lot of other guerillas. Add the FC to your watchlist. Listen out for their orders and recommendations. Try to get as much information about the situation as you can, and just ask if you’re lost (if you’re in a sticky combat situation, keep your questions on the chat and don’t disturb comms). You can then adjust your ship based on that new info and what’s needed for the battle ahead.
“Above all of this, have fun. I’ll see you there. Fly safe.”
The five-minute video explainer
EveOnlineTutorials is up next with a quick runthrough of the need-to-know info. They take you through the first steps click by click, and then go on to discuss other post-Havoc changes like how Faction Warfare’s UI is now different, how Lowsec’s violence is skyrocketing, and how the expansion’s changes are good for the game in that you no longer need be part of an alliance or corp to feel part of a team. Oh, and how you finally get a penalty-free opportunity to shoot that corpmate who has been annoying you.
The 20-minute video guide
For a comprehensive step-by-step guide, look no further than MacGybo’s Havoc: Pirate Insurgents And Faction Warfare video. MacGybo’s videos are always of great quality, and this one is no exception. It explains how to enlist in FW, how to navigate the new UI, forecasting periods, Forward Operating Bases (FOBs), and how corruption is spread and prevented. He takes viewers through the pirate signup tour, including stops such as the pirate faction enlistment locations, the pirates-only area of the Fulcrum, the Zarzakh shipcaster, and how to reach FOB systems as a pirate.
The video goes on to explain how new NPCs will counter bots, where to find the in-game tutorial, where to check corruption and suppression levels, the effects of corruption on neighbouring systems, how to cash in your Loyalty Points, and what you can get for them as a pirate enlistee.
The two-and-a-half-hour analysis stream
Finally, we have Ashterothi’s Q&A mega stream. Ash’s remarkable knowledge is on full display as he easily answers all the questions submitted by his viewers; it lets you know you’re in good hands. Ash covers all the topics above and goes into more detail on mechanics, difficulties around increasing faction standings, awoxing, and how having a mug with your alliance’s logo on it makes the coffee taste better. Truth.
While the videos above more readily fit the description of ‘guides’, Ash’s video also goes into evaluative depth on Faction Warfare and its adjacent gameplay systems. If you’re looking to really get your head around Havoc’s changes, clear your next few hours because you'll struggle to find more expertise anywhere else.
For more on EVE Havoc, check out our comprehensive Havoc review.
Some text has been amended for brevity. You can find the original wording at the bounty post.
Image credit: Razorien on Flickr
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