Get ready to lock and load once more as the second EVE Vanguard playtest is upon us. From January 25 - 29, Omega players and their pals will be stepping out of the cockpit and onto the battlefield to test out the latest version of EVE Vanguard - the upcoming FPS module.
As well as this bounty in which we've set our our own Vanguard gameplay challenges, CCP Games has set some challenges of its own. While CCP will be rewarding their completion with skins and PLEX, we thought we'd sweeten the deal with some cash prizes. To win one of our prizes, you need to complete one or more of the following challenges and submit a screenshot as evidence.
Challenge one: Complete at least one deployment as part of a squad of two or more over the course of the event. Successful extraction is not required. Any screenshot providing proof of this is fine, but we recommend sending a screenshot that shows you've received the Executioner Arkombine Arisen skin - the in-game reward that CCP will deliver (most likely in the days following the event's closure).
Challenge two: Deliver the killing blow to 50 threats, including NPCs, other Vanguards, and turrets over the course of the event. Any screenshot providing proof of this is fine, but we recommend sending a screenshot that shows you've received the Dragoon Arkombine Arisen skin - the in-game reward that CCP will deliver (most likely in the days following the event's closure).
Challenge three: Get into the top ten of the contract-completion leaderboard. The leaderboard can be found here. To prove your success, just take a screenshot of your name on the leaderboard at any time during the event.
As per our other Vanguard bounty, completing more than one of these challenges puts you in the running for multiple prizes. Each challenge is worth $4, so if you submit screenshots proving you've completed all three, you can nab $12. Prizes are limited and will be dished out on a first-entered, first-awarded basis.
We need to be able to verify that you're taking credit for your own shooting skills. If your in-game name is clearly visible in your screenshot (and is sufficiently similar to your Just About name), that works for us. If not, verify your image using your social channels as per the instructions below.
Update: This bounty's deadline was extended on 26/1 and its text amended to provide more details on how to verify the challenges' completion.
already paid
$60 / 240
This reward closed to entries at 1:52pm on February 5, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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