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EVE Online

EVE Online
Rushlock's avatar

Nerds just need to use the right tool for a particular job, and never get the idea stuck in their head that the tool they are using today is the tool they'll be using indefinitely.

Though understandably, it is frustrating to train into something like a Marauder, to then have it become sub-optimal for you. Perhaps CCP should consider SP refunds/untraining as they have in the past.


Imo, doing SP refunds each time someone somewhere cries because his setup is now suboptimal due to a balance change is plainly unfeasible and just wrong. Why would you refund marauders and not refund rapid light missile launchers? Why wouldn't you refund the trig ships? It's a black hole.

Balance change, and as such, players should adapt and survive.

Yeah, I know, EvE players are against any change that threaten their small empires.

Rushlock's avatar

When SP wasn't for sale, I'd agree. But now that CCP exchanges SP for cash, it places a new obligation on them to maintain consumer experience.

Sturmer's avatar

Nah, no refunds. I think the core problem, like always, balance changes in PVP affect PVE and vice versa.

As for trigs, they are beautiful, the weapon system is interesting - I just wish they could be used somewhere in PVE on par with other ships, not just FOB bashing, burners, and RR sleepers.

greybill's avatar

While I would have preferred an application-nerf, I gladly take any nerf to Rapid Light Missile Launchers I can get.

I think it's the simplest weapon system in Eve: Push button, receive bacon. SO easy to use.

The only thing you need to manage when flying a RLML ship is your range. Now that will become a bit more difficult. Not a bad change in my book.

I like the changes in general.

Sturmer's avatar

I thought the hardest part was a reload management ;)

greybill's avatar

Well, if the thing you shot doesn't die within your clip, then you picked the wrong target to shoot. :P

Cpt Armarlio's avatar

This one is pretty big, especially for exploration dudes trying to get out of bubbles when jumping into a system. I can think of a few other situations where it could be handy too.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

As much as it pains me to admit, Eve Online is a PvP-centered game, this being said, the PvE side is pretty huge, with plenty of missions/anoms/sites for PvE players to do, but the game design is such that PvE was only meant as a "money maker" for PvP pilots. Not really a full-time career, this of course discounts mining and industry.

Whilst I admit that PvP in terms of "activeness" is lacking in certain areas, what needs to be remembered is that Marauders are often used in PvP as well, so the Nerf does balance with this arena. I have always and will always be an advocate of PvE in Eve Online, but the facts are the facts and it has taken me, years to come to terms with it as a person anyway.

FUN INC's avatar

RL nerf - hell yes!

Pre-overheat whilst under gate cloak - hell yes!

Some nice touches - gjgj!


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