After my most recent shuttle loss to a smart bomber during my work for the Katia Sae bounty, I had the nth useless discussion with people on losses which, as usual, it ended up with people laughing at me and dismissing me as a poor idiot. Perfectly normal.
However, it showed me two things:
that people don't ask questions but assume things straight from their point of view, without wondering that someone might not have the same pov, leading to a quick dismissal. Not the interesting bit as its the usual.
that not everyone feels the same about losses, which is the interesting bit.
For me loosing a ship is hard.
Why? Because I have an upbringing where things must last, there is no "oooops broken already, here get a new one" but a "you broke it? now you wait till there is budget, if there is budget".
I brought the same mindset to EvE: ships have to last, I'm alpha, I don't have big budgets and there is no sweep of a credit card so loosing a ship is a loss.
It makes losses a play of
anger, at myself as much as the other party
sadness, because "I've been set back in the greater plan" and
what if I made things different.
On the opposite I've met many people for which loosing ships was like throwing candy to children: one, two, five hundreds? Just throw out more. It doesn't matter. But then, most of these people where people with deep to very deep pockets.
What are your thoughts? What are the emotions that plays at a loss?
P.s.: I know, I'm probably the odd one out.
P.s.s: Please, don't answer "you're too weak, stay in HS" or "you just need to loose more ships", I've heard them plenty before and they don't help.
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