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EVE Online

EVE Online
Alex Sinclair's avatar

Credit to Rushlock for this bounty idea!

Rixx Javix's avatar

Unintended Consequences

Being a famous (or infamous) Pirate Lord means that I usually get a lot of attention in local. Other players run away, dock up, or sometimes make comments in local. Surprisingly these are often positive comments. And sometimes they are calls for help, assistance, or opportunities. And while the story I'm about to tell isn't a recent one it is rather epic and far reaching consequences.

One day I was passing through the system of Vey on a solo roam when someone in local opened a conversation with me. They wanted to know if I'd be interested in helping them bring down a structure that had just recently been planted. I did not know these people, but I told them yes. Of course we would be interested. I gathered the Stay Frosty pilots on-line at the time and we helped them bring down the structure. No big deal.

Except this made a certain faction believe we were working with their enemy faction. And this caused that faction to make the decision to attack our structures in our home system. We defended that structure and decided, as a show of force, to also attack their structure in a neighboring system. That fight turned into a much larger event than anticipated. As our allies and enemies also saw it as a chance for content.

This escalated things among the power brokers in Low Sec. And suddenly lots of drama started happening around the corners of the community. Despite my own efforts at Diplomacy, the largest power broker decided they would remove all of Stay Frosty's structures in our home system. This, despite previous agreements ensuring their safety for our events. There was nothing we could do to stop them. And soon we lost all of our structures. A situation which remains true to this day.

So, always remember that helping a stranger in local might have unintended consequences.

FUN INC's avatar

The whole essence of my style of gameplay is about exactly this - fleeting up with strangers and going out and shooting spaceships.

this is NPSI - not purple shoot it and here is our calendar > The whole essence of my style of gameplay is about exactly this - fleeting up with strangers and going out and shooting spaceships. This is NPSI - not purple shoot it and here is our calendar > is pretty much what i have done in game probably since around 2018 or so maybe? Super fun - you get to meet loads of people and kill slots of stuff..

So in answer to when i played with a stranger... every time i log on :)

Sturmer's avatar

Hehe, i saw your fleets several times, in Ahbazon =)

FUN INC's avatar

I think that will likely be Spectre Fleet - i generally only pass through there as i focus the majority of my pew pew in nullsec :)

Sturmer's avatar

I absolutely love this topic! I've had discussions with CCP Games’ expert on the Friendship Machine, Tryggvi Hjaltason, who even developed a formula to measure meaningful social connections within a game. One of my most memorable experiences in EVE Online really illustrates this.

In the game, there are various communities operating solely through in-game chat. I'm part of one such group, with around 150 members from different corporations and alliances. We've never met in person within the game.

One member of this community is a notorious hisec ganker – a pirate known for hunting expensive loot and sometimes targeting pilots from our own community. Our interactions were limited to chat until one day, I found myself caught in an unfavorable PvP situation. With no immediate help available, I sent out a distress call in the chat, not expecting much.

To my surprise, 'the ganker', who was tracking a target nearby, responded and offered to help. He arrived promptly with his fleet of suicide catalysts and saved me. He didn’t ask for anything in return, even refusing the ISKs I sent as a reward.

This experience showed me that even the most feared pirates can exhibit kindness, and that even simple chat interactions can build trust strong enough to prompt immediate action in aid of a stranger.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Ha, this is great. It's like Rixx Javix's entry from the other perspective.


I haven't flow with anyone in... a lot of time, I think nearly 2 years... 😅

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

I am going to answer this with a story, because it embodies this bounty and the long-term effects of how meeting a stranger, can turn into a lifelong friendship.

Around 7 years ago, I was running a corporation called Evil Monkey Asylum. We lived in a system called Samanuni, which is a 0.7-sec system, and our HQ, our corporation specializes in new player recruitment, using our tutorials to teach new players Eve Online.

One aspect of our corporation was T1 frigate roams, we would buy/create T1-fitted frigates, standard ships, etc, our stockpile was massive, and our goal was to take as many new players into low sec for PvP, to get them over the fear of "ship loss".

A few jumps away from our HQ was a level 3 agent. This is where our story begins.

One such roam was a fleet of 50+ new players and existing experienced players, we had been out for some time and had headed back at around 10 PM UK TZ, as we approached our home system and roam end, we jumped into a system called Ikoskio. A forward scout piped up on comms "I have an Apocalypse navy issue on scan, do you want me to pinpoint" I said yes, go ahead, I held my fleet on the outgate waiting for intel, after about 3 minutes our scout said "not sure if this is a site or mission but I'm on his gate" I told him to hold.

I warped the fleet to the gate and instructed squad 1-2 to focus on his drones and the rest to fire on the ship, I said fleet activate and we went in, he was literally on the war in point shooting NPC's, instantly the fleet followed orders and within a few minutes we had him in structure, a member piped up "FC read local please, he seems genuinely distressed"

I read the local chat and ordered everyone to stop firing, what he said wasn't important but, he had been saving for months for this ship and its fit, and essentially, he screwed up in thinking low sec was safe when in a mission. I told the fleet to hold and directly convoed him. After a few minutes chatting as he was in the NPC corp, I sent him a corporation invite, ordered my fleet off-field and to return home, and had him take his battleship back to High Sec.

That player's name was DemonGateUK, after we disbanded the fleet I put him into a private comms and educated him on the dangers of low sec, even when in missions and sites, he had no idea that you can be scanned down. It turns out that he lives less than 45 minutes from me.

After a few weeks, he told me he was going to be in the closest city to me on business and that I wanted to meet up. I said yes, of course, so we met up in Starbucks and chatted for a good four hours.

This man is now one of my IRL best friends, he is my D&D dungeon master, and our newest baby, baby Charlie who is now 5 months old, his middle name is my friend's first name as a way to honor that friendship. He is also the god parent of my daughter Sofia. When COVID hit, I lost my job, I did not know what to do, he called me and said "I need an assistant, easy work, good pay, you're it" and that I could work from home.

Eve Online is a special game to me, this is simply one of the reasons why. This man, is an amazing human, an amazing and loyal friend, and thanks to a chance encounter, I now have this amazing person in my life.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

If this isn't the friendship machine in action, I don't know what is. Thanks for sharing this brilliant, heart-warming story!

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

He read this and went "Couldn't you have said I was in a cruiser or something" lol

Bubba_EvE's avatar

Roaming through LowSec as a newbie pirate, I found myself fighting against a much better player than I was in a 1v1 fight. The battle was intense, with lasers and missiles flying back and forth as our ships tried to outmaneuver each other, but I was no match for my opponent and my ship was rapidly turned into a fireball

Despite blowing my ship up, that fellow pirate decided to pay me back the price of my ship and shared some good tips on how to get better at 1v1 fights

After that he took me under his wing and we toghether began to look for fights. Some times we lost, but others our combined efforts paid off as we emerged triumphant, our ships battered but still flying proudly.

We are still friends to this day and fly toghether when our paths cross and we find each other. It was a thrilling experience, and one that highlighted the unique camaraderie and teamwork that can be found in the world of EvE Online, even with players you've never met before.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Pancakes, Pancakes everywhere

Recently we left the turner lands to join the wormhole life. A minute later we were in an OP to evict another hole. Because Friends of our Friends calling or got we invited?

If something is under siege its kind of crazy how stuff works and that i didn´t took part in this for a long long time. Also this is my first bigger WH evitction so lot of new stuff. (Honestly this is how it should work, fuck of asset safty)

Here you see random Barghest creating little garmurs. So it is not about the fleet stuff, the op, the structure grind, the holecontrol itself or the holding the doorstep.

Hole Control

Structure Bashing in Style



So after you shoot your stuff, looted everything you start thinking how you get home again? Super easy you get a Barg Buddy and another Buddy with a COVOP Ship.

The COVOP Bro brings you, with scouting, safe through the chain. Once you land back in K-Space you filament into POCH. Here you cloak up again and wait out your timer ... and then HIGHSEC EXIT.

Now i am sitting in K-Space waiting for another chain to my new home, my new friends, a new familiy. I just need to get them known :P

Fly Safe & Blood for the Blood God.

orik Kado's avatar

Interestingly, I have many anecdotes about collaborations with completely new players. I usually have a lot of contact with new pilots thanks to content creation. However, if we look at the last collaboration, it ended up with a new member joining my corporation. Basically, it was a new player seeking guidance regarding the FW system. He occasionally offered blueprints and modules he obtained through his activities, and sometimes we went out together to find something to kill. One day, he simply said he was bored of doing the same content and that he would like to join my corporation and try out new activities. So now we continue playing as a team but with the rest of our friends, making it much more enjoyable.

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