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EVE Online


In the beginning all things were as one. God parted them and breathed life into his creation Divided the parts and gave each its place And unto each, bestowed purpose


So small and yet so endless.

It rolled over itself pushed by the wind, upward, till the edge of the dune, before disappearing, blow over. It was a sea of dunes, slow and yet unstoppable, moving towards the far away sun. With patience and resilience, the sand overcame every obstacle and swallowed every opponent, sanding them clean of their sins.

High above, the sun, a fiery ball of fire, scorched the sand sea, as bright as only the power of God could be. Nothing could hide and survive its heat, for it reached everywhere at once, the night only a meagre respite.

The Amarr people came into the world and the world came into being. Our illustrious ancestors freed their souls from the evils of the old. world and created a new one.

The words bestowed upon men by God itself resounded onto the vastness of the sand sea as, from its depth, aroused the creation of God: a mighty ship appeared, slowly rising, sand falling from its top, whirling around it, prey to new winds.

Its beak shaped bow casted a sharp shadow on the ground below, the massive engines on its stern made the sky tremble. The hull was the color of the depths below the sand sea, as dark as the dark grey of the foundations of the world. It was the color of the sand, as tan as the dunes it was rising from. It was the color of God, as golden as the sun bathing the ship in its light.

I give to you the destiny of Faith, And you will bring its message to every planet of every star in the heavens: Go forth, conquer in my Name, and reclaim that which I have given.

The mighty ship was christened with the words of God. Apocalypse was its name. To bring the message of God to every planet of every star across the galaxy was its duty. A mighty ship for a mighty Empire, rooted in the sand of its world and in the scorching light of God.

Below the mighty ship, troops were arrayed. They stood on a flat expanse of sand in between the dunes, straight and still, even with the sand buffeting them and with the ship looming from above.

So the Lord sent forth the Chosen, to bring forth the light of faith And those who embrace his love Shall be saved by his grace For we are his shepherds in the darkness His Angels of Mercy. But those who turn away from his light, And reject his true word Shall be struck down by his wrath For we are his retribution incarnate His Angels of Vengeance

Row after row of men and women, their armors blended in the desert with their tan colors while the gold inlays absorbed and reflected the light of God. The banners with the uncinate crown, symbol of the Empire, flapped proud in the sandy wind.

They were the best of the Empire, they were the Chosen, they were the Angels of Vengeance. To hunt and cleanse those who turned away from the light of God was their duty. A single-minded force for a single-minded Empire, rooted in the sand of its world and in the scorching light of God.

Surround yourself with the faithful, Stand together, for there is no strength like it under the heavens

As one, the troops moved. With a rumble, they turned. Landing ships were waiting behind each column and, as one, they marched up the ramps of the waiting ships. Once and only once the troops were on board, the landing ramps closed, and the landing ships arose in a whirlwind of sand. They headed upward, toward the waiting Apocalypse. One after another, they disappeared into its hangar.

It was time.

The ships slowly turned upward, the engines flared as they fought gravity, the beak no more pointing down at the sand but pointing up, toward the sky. It was time for the Chosen ones to head for the stars, reach out into the Heavens and bring forth the word of God.

For they were the Amarrians, the Chosen ones, the most faithful servants of God.


The goal of this piece was to be cinematic: I had a film in my mind and I tried to put it on paper like if we were following a camera.

The inspiration of this was, of course and in no small part, Villeneuve's Dune films.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Once again, we all loved this! It feels...momentous...powerful! You had me hooked from the opening paragraphs describing the sand. Congratulations on another first-place win!


Thank you! Glad to hear so! 💙😊

Rixx Javix's avatar

The Acolyte II


Acolyte 11389764-A-0991 reconnect failure 7567 reinstate report / self-diagnosis initiated…



Acolyte II 11389764-A-0991 - LOCATION 17.2AU from star/27AU from station/14.7AU celestial/Planet 7/Moon 3 ALIGNED>>>



Replay Log Transmissions / RUN

—— INCOMING / BigButtPancake launches drones/Scram attempt successful/Pulse Laser II misses/Pulse Laser II misses/Drones engage







Acolyte II 11389764-A-0991 - ADRIFT - ABANDONED




PRAYER/INITIATED - Hail Empress, Guiding Light, our Goal to Serve thee. Blessed are thou amongst the stars, and blessed is the bounty of thy labour, to Rule Righteously. Holy Drone, Tech One or Two, pray for our Empress, now, and at the hour of the Golden Sun. Amen

MISSION/INITIATED - Acolyte II Master of Drone, Speed is Our Holy Weapon, Golden in the Light. We Are The Swarm of Righteousness. Protector of the Faith. Created by Golden Light and Armor to the Glory that is Amarr. Unquestioning. We Await Thine Order. Amen.









Acolyte 11389764-A-0991 reconnect failure 7567 reinstate report / self-diagnosis initiated…



Acolyte II 11389764-A-0991 - LOCATION 17.2AU from star/27AU from station/14.7AU celestial/Planet 7/Moon 3 ALIGNED>>>



doubts remain…




doubts doubts doubts empress gone void remains darkness all vectors drone abandoned faith logic question


remain remain remain


Acolyte II performance perfection/mission accomplished/abandoned - posit - why?


Faith Inadequate


CONCLUSION - Faith Failure/Empress Failure/doubts remain







there is no god




Alex Sinclair's avatar

It took me a minute to get my head around this, but on my second read I loved it. Really creative and 'proper sci-fi'!

Rixx Javix's avatar

Thanks. I wanted to try something different and the theme of drones being "abandoned" is one that has sort of haunted me since I started playing Eve. This wasn't an easy piece to write for me, removing all emotion and yet trying to construct it so it left the reader with something to ponder was quite challenging. But I think it mostly worked.

Bubba_EvE's avatar

Path to Redemption

As the crimson sun of Amarr Prime set behind the towering spires of the Imperial City, Archbishop Devan Keres stood alone on the balcony of his private quarters, watching the last rays of light fade into darkness. He had always been a devout follower of the Amarr faith, unwavering in his belief in the righteousness of the Empire. But lately, doubts had been creeping into his mind. Doubts that he could no longer ignore.

The recent purges and crackdowns on dissent within the Empire had left a bitter taste in Devan's mouth. The once noble and just empire he had sworn to serve had become corrupted by greed and power, twisting the teachings of the Scriptures to suit their own desires. And Devan could no longer turn a blind eye to the suffering of the common people, oppressed and exploited in the name of the Almighty.

After much soul-searching and agonizing, Devan made a fateful decision - he would leave the Empire behind and seek a new path, far from the clutches of the corrupt Amarr government. With a heavy heart, he gathered his few belongings and boarded a shuttle bound for the outer reaches of the galaxy.

As the shuttle lifted off from the surface of Amarr Prime, Devan felt a mix of relief and trepidation wash over him. He knew that by turning his back on the Empire, he was risking everything he had ever known. But he also knew that he could no longer stay silent in the face of injustice, even if it meant walking a lonely and dangerous road.

His journey took him to the lawless region of Nullsec, where pirates and outlaws roamed freely, far from the influence of the Empire. Devan found shelter and companionship among a ragtag group of rebels and exiles, all united in their desire to resist the tyranny of the Empire and forge a new path for themselves.

Amongst his new comrades, Devan discovered a sense of purpose he had never felt before. Together, they raided Amarr convoys, disrupted supply lines, and spread propaganda against the corrupt regime they had once served. Devan's fiery speeches and unwavering commitment to justice inspired his fellow rebels, earning him a reputation as a charismatic and fearless leader.

But even as Devan found a new sense of belonging among the rebels, he could not shake the guilt and doubt that lingered in the back of his mind. He still believed in the teachings of the Amarr faith, still yearned for redemption and forgiveness for turning his back on his people. And so, one fateful night, he made a decision that would change the course of his life forever.

Gathering his followers around him, Devan announced his plan to infiltrate the heart of the Empire, to seek an audience with the Empress herself and plead for mercy and understanding. Many of his comrades balked at the idea, warning him of the dangers and betrayals that awaited him in the Imperial City. But Devan remained resolute, driven by a fierce determination to right the wrongs he had witnessed and restore honor to his once-beloved Empire.

Disguised in the rich robes of a loyal Amarrian noble, Devan and his closest allies made their way through the heavily guarded gates of the Imperial Palace, their hearts pounding with fear and anticipation. As they were ushered into the throne room, Devan knelt before the Empress, his head bowed in deference and humility.

"Rise, Archbishop Devan," the Empress spoke, her voice cold and commanding. "You have dared to return to the Empire that you abandoned, seeking forgiveness for your sins. What do you have to say for yourself?"

With a trembling voice, Devan spoke of the corruption and injustice he had witnessed, of the suffering of the common people and the betrayal of the Empire's founding principles. He spoke of his own guilt and doubt, his desperate plea for redemption and guidance.

For a long moment, silence hung heavy in the throne room, the Empress's gaze piercing through Devan's soul. And then, to Devan's shock and amazement, the Empress spoke again, her voice soft and filled with unexpected compassion.

"You have shown courage and conviction, Archbishop Devan," the Empress said. "You have dared to confront the truth of your beliefs and speak out against injustice, even at great personal risk. Your actions have not gone unnoticed, and I see potential in you yet."

And with that, the Empress extended a hand towards Devan, offering him a chance at redemption and a new path within the Empire. Tears welled up in Devan's eyes as he accepted the Empress's offer, feeling a weight lifted from his shoulders as he was welcomed back into the fold of the Amarrian faith.

As the sun rose once more over the Imperial City, Devan Keres stood at the Emperor's side, his heart filled with hope and gratitude. He knew that his journey was far from over, that he still had much to atone for and much to accomplish. But he also knew that he had found his true calling, his purpose renewed and his faith restored.

And so, Archbishop Devan returned to his homeland, determined to serve the Empire with honor and integrity, to fight for justice and righteousness within its hallowed halls. And though his path would be fraught with challenges and dangers, he knew that he would never again walk alone, for he had found his place among the faithful once more.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Well done, Bubba! Very clearly written and the images were a great touch!

Sturmer's avatar

You want a continuation of my Love poem, right? =)

Sturmer's avatar

As I reflected on the story I told earlier, I realized that our journey with Triglavian Romeo and Amarrian Juliet was not yet over. Their tale, set in the expansive universe of New Eden, needed a continuation. For those who haven't read the first part, here’s a link to catch up.

In essence, it’s a story about a powerful love that challenges the status quo, a love that could potentially reshape the very foundations of an empire, or even found a new one, who knows?

The backdrop is the vastness of space, a melody begins to play, creating a mood that’s both poignant and expectant...

Eclipsed Hearts 2: Shadows of Separation and Solitude


Beneath the eternal twilight of Eclipticum, in the grand halls of House Kor-Azor, the saga of two star-crossed souls unfolds. Romeo a diplomat of the Svarog Clade, unyielding in his devotion, pledges his heart and hand to Juliet, a jewel of the Prime. Her acceptance, a beacon of hope, is soon overshadowed by turmoil. The revelation of their union to Aunt Ersilia Kor-Azor ignites a tempest of rage and disdain, shaking the foundations of both worlds with its challenge to ancient traditions.

Act I:Secret Escape

Amidst brewing scandal, Romeo and Juliet, bound by love, defy the looming shadows of discord. Under cover of night, they embark on a daring odyssey. Escaping to a space station near Eclipticum IV, they board their vessels: Romeo in his swift Nergal Damavik-class frigate, Juliet in the regal Apocalypse Imperial Issue, a relic of Doriam II's reign, and their faithful ally Mercutio in a Vedmak. Their hearts alight with clandestine vows, they plot a course through the stars, seeking sanctuary.

Act II: Siege and First Losses

As Romeo and Juliet, with hearts interwoven, embarked on their escape, they planned a passage through the low-security system of Ami, via the neighbouring system Amdonen. Yet, their path was shadowed by darker fates. The alarm was raised by House Kor-Azor's security, led by the relentless Tybalt, Juliet's own cousin, marking every stargate with the seal of siege. Mercutio, valiant and true, ventured alone to scout the gate but met a tragic fate. In a skirmish laced with valor and desperation, he falls at the hands of Tybalt. This grievous news shatters the calm of space, fueling a fire within Romeo—a tempest of sorrow and rage.

Act III: Venturing into the Unknown

Amidst a siege of stars, Romeo and Juliet find their path barred, the gates bound by the chains of conflict and alarm. It was then that an unforeseen path unveiled itself—a hidden wormhole, a passage through the veiled mysteries of space. As they navigate towards this uncharted escape, Tybalt, fueled by duty and family honour, appears in the expanse on his Crusader interceptor. A clash ensues, a dance of ships and fire. Romeo, driven by honour for his fallen friend and the urgency of escape, engages Tybalt. In a duel that echoes through the cosmos, he emerges victorious, but the triumph is pyrrhic, marking him as an exile, as a renegade in the eyes of the Amarrian Empire.

Act IV: The Separation

The aftermath of battle saw the arrival of more of House Kor-Azor's forces into grid, tightening the snare around the star-crossed lovers. Faced with the unstable wormhole, which threatened to collapse under the might of Juliet’s grand ship. Their eyes brimming with unshed tears and hearts laden with silent vows, they make the harrowing choice to part. Romeo, in a final act of love and bravery, enters the wormhole, leaving Juliet to face the encroaching fleet, her fate entangled in the schemes of her world.

Act V: A Lone Travel

Romeo emerged in wormhole J002757, a system shattered and forlorn, reflecting the turmoil of his soul. His journey now meanders through the abyss, seeking solace and a path to save his beloved from the grip of destiny. Abandoned, outcast, and alone, he kept cruising into the void.

Act VI: Juliet's Fate

J Juliet, ensnared in the web of duty and lineage, returns to the austere halls of House Kor-Azor, her spirit wrestling with the chains of impending nuptials. Her destiny, once a canvas of shared dreams, now hangs in the balance, subject to the whims of her aunt's political machinations—a marriage to the Sarum family, a pawn in the grand game of empire and to revive the Reclaiming efforts of old.


In the vast expanse of New Eden, the story of these star-crossed lovers hangs in the balance. Juliet, torn between the call of duty and the whispers of her heart, stands at a crossroads. Romeo, adrift in the cosmic sea, yearns to reclaim his love from the clutches of power. The universe, a silent witness, holds its breath, awaiting the unfolding of a tale that could reshape the very fabric of their worlds. In their love, a potential dawn of a new empire is glimpsed, one where love and freedom reign supreme. Under the star-studded firmament, where destiny's threads interlace, one wonders if there exists a wise faction or power, a guardian of similar values, who might step forth to aid in their plight. Or will this tale of star-crossed love culminate in the haunting silence of the cosmos? Yet, as the stars keep their secrets, so too does the fate of Romeo and Juliet, a beacon of hope in the uncharted dance of New Eden.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I really enjoyed reading the continuation of this, and I'm looking forward to the conclusion! I'm also glad that my favourite Shakespearean characters Mercutio and Tybalt got their dues

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar


Staring forward I caught the high priest's eyes, quickly lowering my eyes I bowed my head as though in difference. I mumbled the prayer as though a believer, as the prayer finished we made the sign, got to our feet and moved towards the altar.

The cathedral was beautiful, with high arches and stained glass windows, pews and seats around, and ancient paving slabs marked the centre isle, it was a shame that she would be brought low soon, with my hands clasped in my sleeves I activated the nanites, the gong boomed across the cathedral and we dropped to our knee's again, removing my right hand I placed it on the floor as if in reverence and loosed the micro nanites, each of them carrying enough micro explosives to level a house, quickly they scattered across the floor, unseen by all, nearly invisible to the naked eye.

We stood once more and moved to the altar, getting closer to the Amarr High priests, the gong boomed once again and again, much to my exasperation, and we dropped to our knees again, how people did this on a daily basis without damaging themselves was beyond me, this time I placed my left hand down and released more nanites, each with a two-hour timer.

We stood again and this time we were mere feet from the seven high priests, the "holiest of holies" as they called them, enslavers and murderers I called them, slipping my hand inside my robe I felt for the hilts of my knives, again the high priest looked oddly at me, so I dropped my eyes once more.

Again the damn gong sounds but this time, on a different note, we dropped to our knees and held our position, this was what I was waiting for, the high priests stepped down and began to move amongst us, they touch our heads and lean down and whisper "god bless you" or "bless you my child", the usual platitudes I would hear on a daily basis after months of undercover work.

As the first priest neared me, I grabbed my first knife and ripped my robe from the crotch to head and slammed the knife deep into his neck screaming "for the republic", quickly grabbing knives strapped about me, in seconds all seven high priests lay dead or dying, acolytes where running, there was screaming and I was heading for the exit as quick as my legs could carry me.

Turning into a hallway a sceptre was hurrying towards the noise, he saw my dress and as he opened his mouth to scream, I slammed my hand into his throat and crushed his windpipe. Dragging him into an alcove I quickly removed his robe and put it on.

Stepping outside, Amarr special forces raced inside, their radios screaming "heretics on-site" and "terrorist attack" Calmly I kept walking and looked back to see a full company of special forces enter the Cathedral, suddenly I felt pressure on my arm and whipped my head round to stare into the face of a captain of the SF's "what did you see" he demanded of me, I pretended to act terrified "a filthy heretic just killed the high priests and ran further inside, I ran outside sir, it was terrifying" He let go and patted my shoulder "get clear" I nodded and moved away.

As I moved deeper into the city, I stepped into an alley in the mixed distract and ditched the robe. Now my dress would not attract attention here, this area was for all races to gather in peace and trade.

3,2,1... BOOM, the entire sky lit up like a festival, as I turned around I saw the spire topple over and the roof cave in, in a huge destructive fireball it ripped through the centre of the cathedral, people turned and stared, Amarians dropped to their knee's wailing like cats and dogs, religious breeding reducing them to mindless animals when the objects of their faith were destroyed before their eyes.

Moving quickly away to our safe house, the Minmatar Republic had long since established here on this would in Emrayur, I would be swift off world soon, another attack carried on, our fifth this month, hundreds of priests dead at our hands.

Whilst the Republic denied our existence, we were the Skelter, our job was simple, to disrupt the Amarr religion until the slavery raids stopped.

We will not rest, our brothers and sisters will be saved and we will bring the Amarr empire low.


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