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EVE Online

EVE Online
FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Well, it's about time they did something with P.I which if I made an educated guess, this is what it's about.

orik Kado's avatar

wellcome P.I 2.0 Metenox Moon Drill (I need a ton of this)

Basically, the hype train has already left so quickly and strongly that it's not visible in the distance.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I thought that automated moon mining might be up your street :D

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Mostly it's the trailer and the way CCP are presenting this one (with the dedicated Upwell URL etc) that has got me most worked up! I think it's all looking very cool.

I get excited when any part of EVE gets some love and attention and this one hits the biggest player-base which is great. But I do feel a little neglected in my corner of New Eden (wormholes).


First impression is "double the work for small groups, more money for the big groups".

Otherwise... wait and see. Albeit I'm pretty sure I'll forgot about this by tomorrow as it doesn't really impact me in any way.

So no, there isn't much excitement going on in regard to Equinox.


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