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Name: Temple of Edfu


[Imperial Navy Slicer, Temple of Edfu]

Extruded Compact Heat Sink
Heat Sink II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Nanofiber Internal Structure II
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer

5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
Warp Disruptor II

Small Focused Pulse Laser II
[Empty High slot]
Small Focused Pulse Laser II

Small Energy Locus Coordinator I
Small Energy Locus Coordinator II
Small Energy Locus Coordinator II

Conflagration S x2
Scorch S x2
Imperial Navy Multifrequency S x2
Nanite Repair Paste x50


Kiting is the new meta in many parts of EVE, and the Imperial Navy Slicer is great at learing how to kite. It's a great archetype for newer players since you don't need to commit to a fight and can dip out if things aren't going your way. The Slicer forces you to manually pilot to stay in range and keep transversal up, while also managing cap; all skills that carry over to any ship you fly.


  1. Great tracking on pulses. As the longest range short range weapons, pulse lasers with scorch track very well up to point range.

  2. Range control. The high agility, speed and damage projection of the slicer let it dictate range in most engagements


  1. "Your capacitor is empty". The slicer never has enough cap to run all the modules it has. The chosen fit makes some concessions for this, with the aim of making it easier for newer players fly it.

Credited name: Kazara Otsada

In-game description:

The Temple of Edfu, made by Kazara Otsada for Just About EVE Online. It excels at kiting thanks to its excellent damage projection and speed. Stay out of your opponent's scram range and within your disruptor's range. Use your disruptor only when they want to escape to conserve the capacitor.

Sturmer's avatar

Surprise Warden (Alpha friendly)

As an experienced EFT-warrior, I have many weird, if not simply obscure, fits for EVE ships. Some of them are so bizarre that if I posted them on Reddit without explanation, people might think I’d lost my mind.

I believe that surprise is the biggest advantage in EVE Online PvP, so I often look at off-meta ships - something that makes opponents wonder, "What are the bonuses of that ship?" Moreover, I try to fit them with something unexpected.

Today, I present to you the Maulus Navy Issue!

I’ll start with a fit:

[Maulus Navy Issue, Melamori's Surprise Warden]

Drone Damage Amplifier II

Damage Control II

Vigor Compact Micro Auxiliary Power Core

Micro Auxiliary Power Core II

Warp Scrambler II

Medium Shield Extender II

10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner

125mm Gatling AutoCannon II

125mm Gatling AutoCannon II

Small Low Friction Nozzle Joints I

Small Polycarbon Engine Housing I

Small Core Defense Field Extender I

Hobgoblin II x5

Hornet EC-300 x5

Hail S x1000

Please note, that this fit is VERY tight, using 99.72% of CPU and power grid (PG). You can use a 3% PG implant or simply remove one or both 125mm Autocannons, as they are not crucial. At the end of the post, there will be also a lite-version for Day-0 rookie pilots.

Key Points

  • Cheap - the price is about 19 million ISK, less if you use your LP to buy the hull. This is one of the reasons why I recommend it for Faction Warfare.

  • Durable - it has 6.15k EHP, which is quite impressive for a frigate. Another bonus is its shield tank, and since it’s Gallente, it has good hull HP, giving you some time to withdraw if combat does not go in your favour.

  • Very cap stable - it maintains 75% capacitor with everything running.

  • Oversized 10MN Afterburner - this makes it unstoppable. I will cover this in the tactics section.

  • Drones as a weapon system - thanks to hull bonuses they have incredible tracking and the ability to apply damage up to 60km.

  • Solid damage - it deals 183 DPS combined without overheating or implants, and realistically 119 DPS with drones at a very long distance, with many wrecking shots due to tracking bonuses. You can also add Warden II sentry, for a whopping 56 instant dps on 80km! (that's wild, but for small gangs might work, while you guard your logistics, the sentry can apply some damage to primary targets)

  • Long reach scram - 13.5km (16.2km heated) with 4 points strength.

  • New players and Alpha friendly, with a simple Micro Auxiliary Power Core II replacement to a t1.

Tactics and Usage

Group PvP - With a long targeting range and durable drones, you can play it safe. Provide damage assistance while protecting your fleet mates from brawlers with the long scrambler.

Solo PvP - Your ultimate goal is to stay and control brawlers at around 12-13km. Your speed is about 2k m/s, up to 2.8k m/s when heated. Since you’re using an Afterburner, you are pretty much immune to anyone holding MWD + Web or AB + Scram and trying to jump on you. Be very careful with AB + Web brawlers; their speed is around 1.2k m/s, so keep yourself outside their web range to stay safe. Your typical speed while webbed is around 900 m/s (1271 m/s if heat)

Long-range kiters - Your goal is to force them into the 16km zone to land your scram and turn off their propulsion. For this, you need to do manual piloting and carefully overheat your AB. Luckily, your drones will still apply damage. You can potentially out-DPS and out-EHP some kiters, forcing them to retreat. Alternately, thanks to a 50m3 drone bay, you can load a flight of Hornets EC-300 and jam the attacker to escape.

Hi-slot guns - These are there to eliminate enemy drones quickly or to apply maximum damage if someone manages to catch you.

PvE - Occasionally, you can even run a 3/10 DED plex. The shield regen and kiting techniques, paired with long-range drone control, allow you to enjoy some PvE action from time to time.


Agility - Due to the 10MN Afterburner, your mass is about five times greater than regular frigates. You need to be careful when playing on the edge of your scrambler range, as a smart opponent with an agile ship can break the orbit and escape.

Overheating the Afterburner - Overheating the 10MN AB is different from regular 1MN or 5MN propulsion. First, let your ship reach around 85% of its speed, then overheat the module. I highly recommend some practice before actual combat. It’s not hard, it’s just different.

Finally, look at the stats on Zkill. There are not many of them involved in combat, meaning people rarely see them and have no idea how to counter them. I can guarantee that most capsuleers have no idea what bonuses your ship carries, giving you precious seconds for a surprise attack. They also have a very high efficiency of 91.6%, suggesting that around 10.86 ships are destroyed for every 1 Maulus Navy Issue lost.

Finally, let's look at an Alpha version for new players. You can drop some T2 modules and autocannons, as they are not essential for the build, and run this ship from day one. Sure, the stats won't be as impressive, but if you use the 1 million SP bonus and apply these skill points to key parameters, you'll get a very capable machine.

Stats here with absolute zero skills.

Sponsor of this fit once again Melamori, so...

  • Ship name: Melamori's Surprise Warden

  • Character Username: Melamori

  • Short description: A versatile Maulus Navy Issue build designed for both new and experienced players. This off-meta fit emphasizes durability, long-range scrambling control, and high speeds with oversized propulsion module. Ideal for surprising opponents and effective in group or solo combat.


Swagger Olacar's avatar

I'd like to propose the Artillery Firetail, the idea behind the fit is to take advanatage on the low EHP on frigates and just punch right through it, the advanage of using artillery over autocannons is the range, very usefull for scram-kitting and shaking off kitters, the dual webs and the scram guarantee tracking, anything you can web you can track.

You can find my fitting in the Zkill link I'm posting right bellow this.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

1. Skildir ro Klofnir

Breacher, Frigate Hull, Minmatar

2. Fitting

[Breacher, Skildir ro Klofnir]

Small Ancillary Armor Repairer IFFA Compact Damage Control Ballistic Control System II

Medium Ancillary Shield Booster Stasis Webifier II Warp Scrambler II 5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive

Rocket Launcher II Rocket Launcher II Rocket Launcher II

Small EM Shield Reinforcer I Small Thermal Shield Reinforcer I Small Processor Overclocking Unit I

Inferno Javelin Rocket x300 Inferno Rage Rocket x300 Mjolnir Javelin Rocket x300 Mjolnir Rage Rocket x300 Nova Javelin Rocket x300 Nova Rage Rocket x300 Scourge Javelin Rocket x300 Scourge Rage Rocket x300 Navy Cap Booster 50 x18 Nanite Repair Paste x25 Caldari Navy Inferno Rocket x300 Caldari Navy Mjolnir Rocket x300 Caldari Navy Nova Rocket x300 Caldari Navy Scourge Rocket x300 Hobgoblin II x2

3. Skeggǫld! Skálmǫld! Skildir ro klofnir - Axe time, sword time, shields will be splintered

The Dual Tank breacher is a veteran in the 1on1 FW Combat history.

Everything which you can WEB & SCRAM should melt under you, but your worst enemy is an AB compared with an SCRAM or even more worse also an WEB and outranging Guns. You are the definition of brawl. The timing of your tank modules is crucial, cause you don't want to over “heal” xD

This ship gives you a good learning curve into managing multiple heated modules. But therefore you don't need to worry about tracking, everything within your scram range is reachable for your highest dps ammunition aka Rockets.

Catch Routine:

Preheat MWD, WEB and SCRAM. Go and catch. If you win this against a kite setting you won. And as long you are in range of your rockets, you should be fine.

Tank Info:

3 Shield Boost will fill up your shield to full. (6 charge will remain) Instead of the shield booster which work instant, the armor rep first need to cycle through. Therefore you cycle the armor before you lose all shield hit points. You can mix this to your personal best since your armor pool is only 2/3 of your shield pool.

Personal Tip: If you sit 0 on a blaster ship, even the best Ship is unable to lead you into victory.

Stats: 2.92k Effective EHP on 25% Omni

  • 2,91k Active Shield boosting

  • 2,33k Active Armor boosting

~roughly 8K Playpoints to gamble with.

Hint: If you are short on CPU you can swap a Tank Rig for CPU RIG or META out some of the modules. But its recommending to have the basic skills at V before heading into T2 Ships anyway

at solid 166 DPS

4. Kane Carnifex

5.In-game description

Skildir ro Klofnir, reworked by Kane Carnifex for Just About EVE Online. Inspired by the Berserker of the Vikings from ancient time , the Ships excels in active shield and armor repping, especially if overheating is used. The high ROF by Rockets are best used to brawl out all your enemys.

Sturmer's avatar

Vigil Fleet Issue lil bro, love it! Dropped to my fittings collection

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I present, The Punisher, probably one of the most user frigates in FW PVP. Its cap stable fit means no guns being turned off, hence the use of Minmatar weapons. It is also, able to fly by a day 1-2 new player.


4 x 125mm Light Carbine Repeating Cannon I

1x 5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive 1x Initiated Compact Warp Scrambler

1x IFFA Compact Damage Control 2x Compact Multispectrum Energized Membrane 2x 400m Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates

3x Small Trimark Armor Pump I

1,600x Republic Fleet Phased Plasma

Video Below (First Fit)

Description - Designed by the Eve Online Tutorials Team

This Punisher fit is designed to take a massive beating and still be able to dish out huge amounts of damage to other frigates, its only drawback is its limited range. We have found it works well with both Microwarpdrive & Afterburner.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey Keacte. Generally, we don't re-award prizes for the same submission, but given that the entry is a good fit for the job (pun intended), we would consider it for a prize. However, you'll still need to reshare the fit here, explain why it's appropriate for Faction Warfare specifically, and add in the other details listed one-through-five in the bounty description.

FUN INC's avatar

Sure thang!

Name- FUN INC comet

Fit - [Federation Navy Comet, Federation Navy Comet] Damage Control II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Magnetic Field Stabilizer II Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste 1MN Afterburner II Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier Warp Scrambler II Light Neutron Blaster II, Void S Light Neutron Blaster II, Void S Small Ghoul Compact Energy Nosferatu Small Transverse Bulkhead I Small Transverse Bulkhead I Small Transverse Bulkhead IWarrior II x3Zainou “Gypsy” CPU Management EE-603

Description -

AB scram web, MSE blaster fit Fed Navy Comet is the bees knees! - Punches well up in its class and is a super-fun badass fit to fly!

Take engagements on your terms, with this, because of the brawling nature, it you can land a scram on a kitey target - do it - if not, walk away. Play gate games, warp to celestials, and if in null, setup bubble traps and lure your targets into your engagement zone - you are blaster AB, scram web fit, so preferably at zero! ... oh yes... load void... all the cool dudes do. Warriors could also be swapped out for accys (Thx Macgybo for the reasonable suggestion previously!)

Credited name - Keacte

In-game description - Write a short (50-word max) description to be included in-game.

That description will read something like 'Fed Navy Comet fit from Keacte of FUN INC, and Close range blaster, AB scram web Comet for all you PEW PEW needs! Best used at close range, choose yoru engagements wisely, and have fun!

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Maybe i open my books about... maybe not.

Active Shield Astero for President

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Astero is Pirate so FW ADV, which is including T2 Frigates and.. jeah this long time ago.

Limal's avatar

Hello, I can't call myself an expert in Faction Warfare , as PvP in general often scares me, but I have one fit in my bookmarks that I've been wanting to share for a while!

[Thrasher, Rusty Pouncer]

Damage Control II

Gyrostabilizer II

Warp Scrambler II

5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive

Medium Shield Extender II

'Arbalest' Rocket Launcher I

200mm AutoCannon II

200mm AutoCannon II

200mm AutoCannon II

200mm AutoCannon II

200mm AutoCannon II

200mm AutoCannon II

200mm AutoCannon II

Small Projectile Burst Aerator I

Small Core Defense Field Extender I

Small Core Defense Field Extender I

Ammo Hail, as it never fail, and you can also Barrage, to shoo perky kiters.


The approach is quite simple. Alone or in a group, you jump on top of your target and unleash everything you've got before they can kill you. This fit delivers 440 DPS packed into 9k effective omni HP, with stable capacitor usage thanks to capless weapons. It's even better when paired with a Vigil Fleet Issue to catch fast kiters with long webs, but it can also be played solo.

Cautions: There's one ship you need to absolutely avoid - the Catalyst. Its blasters out-DPS you, and you won't stand a chance in a direct confrontation.

Cost: The best part is that it's around 13 million ISK for the ship and fit, making it affordable enough to trade for valuable combat experience.

Bonus Points:

  • True Minmatar Rust: Embrace the authentic Minmatar style.

  • Speed: It's fast, allowing you to close in quickly on your targets.

  • Autocannons: Enjoy very close and personal combat.

I also recommend buying the Semiotique Superluminal SKIN. It's very cheap and complements your Thrasher's pouncy origins beautifully.

Name - Rusty Pouncer

Name - Eldoslav (he who actually gave this fit years back, so credits should go to him)

Description - A simple and effective Rusty Pouncer fit for Faction Warfare. Ideal for solo all-in brawling play. Affordable and perfect for gaining combat experience. Enjoy fast, close combat with autocannons.


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