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EVE Online

EVE Online
Sturmer's avatar

I failed to find 'whats' new'

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Literally nothing. I love Eve, I do, and I always will, but Vanguard is going to fall flat if they do not make it into a proper FPS and stop trying to make EveOnlineShootEmUpCraftingSimulator.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

100% - It's not an FPS, it's a crafting simulator and completely unbalanced in ever aspect, the issue is the devs on it are to focus on keeping it "eve online" themed, this is fine but, we need a fast-paced, shoot em in the theme of eve, remove the crafting crap and just leave guns lying around in loot boxes, ammo everywhere, add some cities n watch people come flocking in, not this open wasteland crashed ships crap.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

P.S Alex Sinclair I mean zero disrespect to you on the post, it is just very frustrating that the makers of such an amazing space game have failed to deliver in the hype of Vanguard

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Zero disrespect taken :) Though again, I'd advocate patience on this. Game dev takes a lot of time, Vanguard is still in very early days, and these balancing and bug squashing playtests are necessary before bigger updates can be implemented. Plus, I suspect those bigger updates are drawing nearer ✌️

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Jeah, but...

But energy is limited so probably have time for some...

Is the lasttime for the map, anybody wants to go full pvp, no mission?

Wadd Enderas's avatar

I'll likely pop in, but the guy who's carried me through the last few playtests is away, so I'll probably die a few times then drop it :D

Not that there needs to be at every step, but I can't see that there's really anything new or different about this one. My interest is peaked for the June playtest


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