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EVE Online
Skog's avatar

Dronelands lightyear density, as you can cover 345 systems within one jump of a Black Ops response fleet from MJ-5F9 Pandemic Horde staging.

Triglavian ship utility highslots, there are too many since the weapon only takes up one slot. Take the Leshak for example, 4 heavy neuts or remote reps in addition to the already high DPS and fitting room to tank it. They are also low mass compared to other battleships, which matters in wormhole space. They outshine a lot of other ships in fleet comps due to all these factors, and I would prefer to see more diversity.

2-3 XL Ancillary shield boosters on a ship, only consumes (relatively small) cap charges instead of cap and has no other drawbacks while loaded. Unreasonable amount of tank which can usually be combined with pretty high DPS due to freeing up low slots. Ancillary armor repairers take paste and still consume cap (keeps them limited to their corresponding ship size), and are limited to one per ship. ASBs might be due for some constraints.

FUN INC's avatar

Ansiblex projection - having the ability to travel multiple regions in mere minutes is just wrong... or just allow all players to use them.

Vargurs - if a fleet of 20 inties with TD's galore can't take down a Vargur, you know that a ship is overpowered.

Structure count in nullsec - just go to the T5 gate in 1DQ & you will know what I mean!

Rixx Javix's avatar

Ansiblex - Anything that avoids gate choke points is over-powered in my opinion.

Warp/Cloak/MWD - It was an interesting discovery but now it is totally out of hand and needs to be nerfed - it has created an almost impossible to catch sub-genre of ships that no longer need to fear danger in the game.

Exec Navy Issues - You tried to nerf it once, but you didn't touch the part that actually makes them over-powered. So try again.

Trig Ships need to lose one high-slot each.

Brother Grimoire's avatar

1) Ansiblexes - Projecting an 80 man fleet with cap support to deal with a small gang taking your ESS is lame and kills content.

2) Local - The meta in null is to press "Dock" when a neutral shows up in system. Riveting risk-averse gameplay. With Sov Null being controlled by players, they shouldn't have access to the trappings of civilization unless they build them themselves. I suggest adding a fuelable "local module" that can be destroyed or hacked to provide local chat to Nullsec.

3) Armor comps - Armor has always been statistically better than shields, leading to the "It would have lived if it were a shield super" meme. Adjustments would ruin the current meta, but bringing the two tanks more in line with each other would make gameplay feel better

Skog's avatar

Null local tied to a sov hub upgrade 😎


I'm going to be the guy that says drone assign. Nothing more frustrating right now as a solo pilot in FW than multiboxed drone fleets.

Medium rails and beam lasers, at this point there's very little rational reason to use medium blasters or pulse lasers in nearly any environment given the damage and application of the long range systems even at short range using Javelin and Gleam respectively. They also outperform projectiles of both sizes on all but a few select ships by a wide margin.

Finally, Mega Pulse IIs are too strong given the majority of battleships can fit Heavy Cap Boosters with 3200s and hardly notice the cap usage of the weapons which should be their main drawback given the insane Scorch L application and damage.

  • Supercapital and Titan Proliferation: While these ships represent significant achievements and investments, their sheer numbers and ease of deployment have arguably diminished their strategic value and led to stalemates in large-scale conflicts. I'd like to see adjustments that make them more challenging to field, encouraging greater tactical consideration and potentially reducing their dominance in certain scenarios.

  • Alpha Clone Limitations: Alpha clones offer a great entry point for new players, but the skill point restrictions can sometimes feel limiting and create a significant power gap between them and Omega clones. I believe increasing the alpha skill point cap or allowing access to a wider range of skills could provide a more fulfilling experience for new players and encourage them to transition to Omega status.

  • Structure Spam: While structures serve a crucial purpose in Eve's gameplay, the ease with which they can be deployed and replaced has led to "structure spam" in certain areas, cluttering the map and making navigation and combat more cumbersome. Implementing limitations on structure deployment or increasing the costs associated with them could help address this issue and encourage more strategic placement.

  1. Cloaks and BLOPs in general are nice to have but trying to catch them without heavy investement is nearly impossible. It is just too easy to gank with a good setup and the risk of loosing ships is on the very very low end.

  2. Drugs from twitch and the old daily login rewards. It gives you a unique boost that can make or brake pvp engagements and either you have them or you don't. They should either be aviable for everyone through production or they shouldn't be ingame at all.

  3. Long range sniper fits and doctrines in low-sec have high return with low risk since there are no warp bubbles. I personal feel it is frustrating to fight against them. In 0 sec its fine because you can close the gap as soon as you have bubbled them, which isn't possible in low-sec. They just warp off if you get too close.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Pandora. Great bounty entry!


Thank you. Points 1 and 3 are based on my personal experience, and I may simply lack the knowledge to handle those situations better. However, point 2 is something that should be resolved, one way or another.
Fly safe o7


I would definitely call the drone assist and the Algoses in FW sites overpowered. I am not sure how it is in other regions of the game, but in FW, multiboxers can easily farm a large amount of resources in a short amount of time and with very little risk to themselves.

Then I would like to nerf the Prophecy Navy Issue because it has too good projection with a great tank and dominates the BF meta in FW.

Finally I think that the Black Ops jump range is a bit too high, or some lowsec regions do not have enough lightyears inbetween the systems. From one staging system, BLOPs can be deployed over many jumps and cover entire areas of space with ease.

orik Kado's avatar

Definitely a very interesting topic, and I'd like to make my first contribution with something that perhaps hasn't been mentioned much: the ammunition for EDENCOM ships.

The mechanics of the ammunition for EDENCOM ships involve acquiring certain items plus ISK, which are then exchanged at DED corporation stations for the respective copies. So far, everything is perfect. However, I believe the disparity in items required to manufacture T1 and T2 variants is entirely misplaced. Against all logic, it turns out to be more economical to produce the T2 variant since it doesn't require hard-to-find materials, while the T1 variant almost demands a ritual sacrifice, unicorn tears, and nuclear engineering. In my opinion, the components needed to craft these ammunitions should be adjusted according to their tier.

For my second point, I think it's necessary to review High Sec incursions.

The incursion system is very simple: NPCs deploy in a random area, a group of players forms, and they destroy the combat sites until the incursion can be defeated. However, this type of content has been controlled in High Sec for years by a limited number of groups who reserve the right to invite more or fewer players to complete the objective. This, combined with the significant resources that can be amassed with each new incursion, results in a very safe area of the game where you can amass a large amount of resources with minimal risk, in addition to this content being monopolized by these few "elite" groups.

Lastly, my final point, and something that has perhaps been discussed on several occasions, is the use of cloaking.

I understand that it can be especially fun to simply float in enemy space for many hours waiting for the right moment to strike, but this can become really frustrating when you're on the other side of the story. It’s a necessary gameplay mode, and some adjustments have been made to provide some way to counter this mechanic. However, I believe it could be fine-tuned even further, for example by requiring specialized ships for these operations to carry fuel to maintain their cloak for longer periods (I’m not sure how viable this is, but it’s my proposed improvement).

I know that some or perhaps none of my points may seem like real problems in the game, but the idea of these spaces is to debate what is considered overpowered and to learn from everyone's feedback.

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar


  1. Ansiblexes - So tired of these, they need to either have the range shortened or just be nerfed into oblivion,

  2. Capital Ships - if alliances are going to keep slamming these into people then IMO the HP of these ships needs to be reduced to enable smaller fleets to take them down if needed.

  3. Abyssal Space - T4-T6 - The income needs to be nerfed on these, it is too easy and basically risk-free, IMO these two levels should only be allowed to be used in low sec.

These are my top three :)


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