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EVE Online

EVE Online
Hunter's avatar

Fast 1 minute Course entry to exploration In EVE Online :

Kshal Aideron's avatar

While I created this awhile ago, it gets linked nearly every newbro roam that I take out. There's always one person who doesn't know how to link their kill mail.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Nth Dimensional - there's a bunch of great tips in here, and I can see why you've submitted it, but as it stands it'll be ineligible for a prize. We're looking for videos with a strict maximum length of one minute for this reward. As an explainer, it's because we're hoping to put together a piece of curated content with a bunch of mini 'espresso shot' EVE lessons. If you could clip a minute from your video or re-film and share a one-minute version of one of the tips, that could work, i.e. you're more than welcome to edit your entry to submit that instead. o7


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