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EVE Online
Kane Carnifex's avatar

This is a funny one :)

The Forbidden Ones

Two are a lie the other one scares me beside the Polaris Enigma Frigate.
But thats my friends is another story.

Kite + Speed

If you don´t know what happens, you decide the rules.
Inside or outside the ESS you will shine. Only the Brave ones will not touch the ESS.
Hey but there is a Sabre... everybody fears the fleet behind a dictor... thatsd why its a A-Tier Ship.

One Job

Astero is superb in hunting explo Frigates and doing explo aswell.
The Hecate with upto 1k DPS is always an supprise for everybody.
MTUs hate this trick.
ENis are the big Sister of Hecates...
But you can only be good in one maybe two task which limits you therefore you are a B-Tier.

You trapped with me

For this price tag you can expect to fight multiple... if they don´t counter you.
PNI,Vargur will fight for the point.
For the Redeemer you would need some Cyno Beacons which are available in Nullsec.
Barg,Nightmare are the fancy kite section and without links not that fast as you thought.
The TIFI Cruise or RHLM with a Hulltank of +200k EHP... people may choosed the wrong stuff the chew on.
Price and the Destiny needs to touch you kind off.

Against all odds

I mean if you don´t fit Remote Reps... you could fit Guns... what a shame if your ship dies to a battle Logi?
No, not you Zirn... you are out.

Rixx Javix's avatar

I disagree with the reward conditions a little. I think it's pointless to include "unsuitable" ships for solo PvP for several reasons. First, there are few unsuitable solo PvP ships given the right circumstances. Secondly that overly complicates the list, since there is no space for long explanations. So I organized my list in a different way. All the ships on my list are good at Solo PvP - for different reasons. I would feel confident taking any of these out to hunt my fellow players, but my goals would be different depending on the ship I was flying.

And then I ranked them each within each tier as well.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I thought what I did was a tier list, but I often miss the obvious, so for my tier list I have kept it strictly new player-friendly on frigates and what levels IMo I consider them to be useful for PvP.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey FirestormGamingTeam - I like the style of adding the text in the graphic itself - that's great. But I'll have to point you back to the instructions for this one:

"We're looking for tier lists, not top five lists, so be sure to include multiple ships in your tiers."

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

i got your back bro, will get that sorted tnite

Sturmer's avatar

My EVE Online Solo PvP Ship Tier List

This reward is about creating an image, but just dropping hot takes without justification felt wrong - so I went all in.

I put together a detailed breakdown of 28 ships, explaining exactly why each one landed in its tier. Full deep dive over here!

But if you just want a quick glance, here’s the tier list image.

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