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Farming Simulator 25

Farming Simulator 25

One of my favorite sounds, I find the sound of the engine striking since I am a fan of automobiles.

K03y's avatar

While walking around the map I discovered this wonderful sound of the wind and the noise of the boats 🤩


One of my favorite sounds, that of animals, especially baby cows, are very tender.

projectazone's avatar

I like the noise the bike makes on the road. I like the sound of the engine, the impact with the road and the noise of other vehicles that overlap along the way.

USCSS's avatar

I really like the sound the water makes when the character swims. I like it because it's very relaxing.

Sassy's avatar

My favourite sound in Farming Simulator 25 is the sound of a Tornado! In the video I have linked you will see my reaction to seeing and hearing it for the first time.

Rich's avatar

Did you save the bees?! 🐝

Sassy's avatar BUT the beehives don't take storm damage, so I think the bees flew away because they came back a few hours after it passed.


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