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Film & TV

Film & TV
Alex Sinclair's avatar

I’m Alex, a Content Manager for Just About. That means I’ll be setting and awarding bounties and watching over this Space. So if you have any questions, just tag me Alex Sinclair.

Arguably more importantly, I’m also a film and TV lover. Unlike many self-styled movie buffs, I don’t discriminate between indie arthouse films or trashy reality TV; I love it all. That said, if Dirty Harry had his six-shooter to my head demanding a list of my favourite shows, I’d probably go for Firefly, The Sopranos, Mr Inbetween, Fargo, The Boys, Attack on Titan, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Invincible, and as a nostalgic throwback Malcolm in the Middle - the first show that depicted relatable family life.

As for movies, I could be here all day, but to name a few: In Bruges, Rogue One, Baby Driver, Everything Everywhere All At Once, It’s a Wonderful Life, LOTR, The Lives of Others, Interstellar, and Baraka. I also have a real soft spot for musical adaptations like Mamma Mia and Les Mis.

I know I’m going to remember another dozen favourites that I’ve missed out from those lists, but I should probably hit ‘Post reply’ before I get too carried away. Anyway, that’s me. I’m looking forward to getting to know you all and together creating a welcoming community that we can be proud of!

Roo's avatar

I don't think I can bring myself to commit to my favourite film or TV show but I can for sure do favourite of the year for 2023...

Blackberry starring Glenn Howerton was brilliant and gets my nod for most enjoyable watch of 2023.

As for TV, it's hard to look past The Last of Us - especially that 3rd episode 🥲

Wings's avatar

Yes and yes! I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed BlackBerry and The Last of Us was just ✨chef kiss✨

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Both excellent choices. I always enjoy Glenn Howerton, he has a real knack for portraying unstable people. In the same vein as Blackberry, have you watched Michael Keaton's The Founder or Matthew Broderick's Painkiller?

And yep, that third episode 💔

Roo's avatar

Yes to The Founder but i haven't seen Painkiller. What's it about?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

It's about the Sackler family, Purdue Pharma, and the US's opioid epidemic, so be warned that the subject matter is definitely darker than The Founder and Blackberry, but it has the same black comedy and slightly over-the-top dramatization style.


My favorite movie of all time is Last Action Hero. Maybe I was the right age when it came out, maybe it's the best movie ever made. Either way, everyone needs to see it at least once.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I don't care what any of the reviews say, The Last Action Hero is peak Arnie. Although I'm not sure I picked up on those dodgy wrecking ball physics when I watched it as a kid

Boomer's avatar

Hey folks, I'm Jason, but most people call me Boomer. I'm the Community Manager here and I imagine I'll be farming this Space for recommendations! 😁

I'm primarily a sci-fi fan, however I don't say that too loudly as I've seen a disappointingly low number of the classics. I try to fill that gap by watching vicariously through a podcast called Infinite Worlds and the appropriately named Infinite Worlds Magazine each month.

I'm really excited to see the breadth of genres and styles of film and TV we all watch, so bring on the bounty submissions! 😄

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Hey I'm Lanah, and ever since I've seen the 1997 remaster of the original Star Wars trilogy, I'm a huge sci-fi fan. (That was a good year, Final Fantasy VII and Star Wars) They were showing the trilogy in our local cinema and my mother wasn't sure if I would like it, so she only bought tickets for A New Hope, we came out and I asked if we could go and see the next part as well... The rest as they say is history.

Fun fact: I was cosplaying one of the characters from the Expanded Universe a lot and all my friends started to call me on that name and I even ended up changing my real name. I know at least one person here who has a good chance at guessing the character :D

I also love Star Trek and Stargate so no arguments from me about which franchise is better, I love them all!

From fantasy movies the absolute favourite is LOTR but I also enjoy musicals like Moulin Rouge and I think at this point we can count Bohemian Rhapsody as a musical as well.

Life has been busy lately so I lost track of the movies in the Marvel universe, last one I've seen was Black Widow and the first season of the Loki series. Have some catching up to to there ^^'

Another topic you can get me talking about for days is anime with mechas in it, especially Gundam (I need that Gundam Seed Freedom movie to come to Europe... please...) but another less known favourite is Soukyuu no Fafner (I think the English title was Fafner in the Azure?).

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's such a good personal Star Wars origin story! I suspect I'm the person who is meant to have a good chance at guessing the character you've changed your name to (amazing, by the way), but I'm actually not sure. Is it Darth Traya? My second guess is Lana Beniko from TOR.

I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on Loki season 2, I really enjoyed the first season but was a little underwhelmed by the second, aside from the introduction of the always-charming Ke Huy Quan

Nicole's avatar

Morning folks! I'm Nicole, our Head of Growth Marketing here at Just About.

I'm so excited that we've finally launched this space as I'm a huge Film & TV fan. In my university days I did some work experience at TotalFilm magazine and used to obsessively check for vacancies at the BBFC (British Board of Film Certification). Fortunately I've still ended up with a career that keeps me close to gaming and entertainment.

Favourite films: The Shawshank Redemption, The Dark Knight, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, Addams Family Values, The Replacements (I could go on and on)

Favourite TV shows: Bob's Burgers, Firefly, Ted Lasso, early seasons of The Walking Dead, The Last of Us, Archer, True Detective (Seasons 1, 3 and 4 so far), Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Horror and Cats's avatar

I’m Smokey and I run a YouTube channel called Horror and Cats. I cover any and all things horror in film/tv, books and games.

I have five cats rescued straight from the street from a number of different situations (the Feline Distribution System loves me). They are always photobombing my streams and videos, stepping on my audio mixer buttons, and rubbing their faces on my mic at the worst times; I love ‘em.

Ultimately, my goal for the channel is to raise money for animal charities, specifically the Abandoned Cat Team which I’ve had dealings with directly, and be a knowledgeable voice for awareness and inclusion in the horrorsphere.

Also, none of my friends or family love horror like I do, so selfishly I use the channel to vent decades of useless horror knowledge into the YouTube zeitgeist while hoping to do some good along the way.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I'm not a horror fan but will check your channel out for the cats :D

Nice to have you here!

Nicole's avatar

As I was reading the words 'rescued straight from the street', my brain was already yelling THE FELINE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM!

Welcome to Just About. Its great to have you!

Horror and Cats's avatar

Haha indeed, and these are just the five from my adult life. There were three more FDS acquisitions when I was young as well.

Thanks for the warm welcome!


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