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Film & TV
Lanah Tyra's avatar

I am legend is an excellent movie and Will Smith did an amazing job in it. For weeks after watching it whenever I was going home in the dark I got jump scared by every little sound expecting zombies to jump out from the bushes 😅

Horror and Cats's avatar

I Am Legend was majorly traumatic for me because of the dog. It almost made my list, but that story I decided was too rough to share on the internet lol.

Stella's avatar

It's not a horror film but should be - Christiane F.

Major content warning for drug use - it's a harrowing story

Horror and Cats's avatar

I’ve never seen that one, but reading the description? Damn. It sounds harrowing indeed.

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

This one is easy for me, The Human Centipede, that took me weeks to get that image out of my head, it was just wrong on so many levels, good film, but soooo wrong.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Funny enough the worst part of that for me was the Rottweiler prototype. Do what you will with people, but leave the puppies out of it.

Horror and Cats's avatar

The second one takes the cake on freak-factor. I can’t in good conscience recommend it, but at least Google “human centipede 2 antagonist” for a laugh.

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Good lord no, one of those films is enough for me lol.

Horror and Cats's avatar

There are THREE movies in a series which shouldn’t have made it past concept. Sometimes it’s difficult to be a no-holds-barred horror fan.

Pity me!

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Consider the pity factor activated haha xD

Thomas's avatar

I remember when I first saw Lost Highway, it felt like it left a black mark on my mind that wouldn't ever go away. The Mystery Man himself is terrifying, and in general there's some really unsettling imagery throughout the film. It was also several actors' last film which almost makes it feel cursed.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I’ve not seen that one, but I’ll watch basically anything with the president… I mean Bill Pullman in it. I’m adding it to my list =)

Thomas's avatar

Fun fact, Bill Pullman got the job in Lost Highway because the actor who plays the main antagonist, Robert Loggia, was also in Independence Day and recommended him

Horror and Cats's avatar

That is kind of fact which is genuinely fun. As people much younger than me say, “you a real one.”

Alex Sinclair's avatar

A bit of a curveball choice, but I watched the 1958 horror film The Blob as a young child, and jelly still makes me uncomfortable.

Horror and Cats's avatar

In my video I discuss watching Fire In the Sky far too young and it messed me up for life.

Watching the wrong thing at the wrong time can have lasting effects.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

100%. I did the same thing with an episode of X Files. I'd previously watched one episode with my family, and it wasn't a scary one - a take on Frankenstein IIRC. So I convinced my family that I'd be fine staying up to watch another one alone. I was not. I've never rediscovered the episode, but it was about a woman who could make people sink into the mud in a forest. I'm sure I would have been a much less nervous child if I'd never watched it 😅

Horror and Cats's avatar

OMG I used to sneak x files on a 9 inch tv in a side room. That episode doesn’t ring a bell but if you gave me a day I could track it down for you haha.

My aunt was a big x files gal and she and I watched a few episodes which wigged me out. She was always great at explaining A: what was going on in the fiction of the show and B: that it wasn’t real.

No matter how many times I got a scared hair under my saddle, she was cool every time

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I could really have done with someone like your aunt there telling me that there aren't really mud-controlling, child-kidnapping witches in the woods. I just had a quick Google, but I couldn't find anything that matches my memories, but if you fancy an X-File mystery of your own, these are the other details I remember:

  • The 'witch' lived in a shack in the woods.

  • She mud-drowned a kid's father and then the kid (or some other kid) was staying with her in the creepy shack.

  • Mulder somehow solved the mystery by seeing she had mud on her boots.

  • The shack had a creepy basement which the kids were exploring only to discover a bunch of bones or body parts.

  • It was real scary.

Keep in mind that this was about 25 years ago so my memory could be playing all kinds of tricks on me.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Dude, I’m on it lol. I’m an investigator by nature and profession so I dig a mystery. Definitely “it was real scary” is the lynchpin of the investigation

Horror and Cats's avatar

Season 5 Episode 9 “Schizogeny” fyi

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Haha wow that was fast. I came across that episode in my Googling but clearly didn't look deep enough. I'm going to have to rewatch it to get over my trauma (or retraumatise myself, we'll see).

I know who to call upon if we ever launch a Just About Mysteries community!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Horror and Cats I did it. I watched it. I honestly had no idea what effect re-watching it would have, because I'm not exaggerating when I say it really disturbed me as a kid. But I had a nightmare-free night, and I don't feel a renewed terror of woodland. That said, it was as grim and distressing as I remembered, and I kept thinking 'of course this messed you up!'. So that's weirdly affirming, and I'm glad I did it. Thank you for finding the episode for me!

Horror and Cats's avatar

My pleasure! Glad to facilitate facing your fear haha. Also glad that it didn’t result in a nightmare-filled night!

Paul's avatar

I remember watching Zombie Flesh Eaters when I was about 10 and that scared the crap out of me (at the time). I still remember the music, that alone freaked me out.

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