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Film & TV
Joel's avatar

This does look like it has a chance.

I think my policy will be the same as it was with The Last of Us show: if when it comes out people say it's actually actually good then I'll watch it.

Boomer's avatar

I mean this in the best possible way, but Walton Goggins is so perfect for this! Everything I've seen him in he just owns the role.


He's a wonderful actor and I'm excited whenever I see him involved.

Roo's avatar

Oh my life - Matt Berry is Codsworth?!

Nicole's avatar

Such a good cast, hey? I hope the die hard Fallout fans will give it the breathing room to be an adaptation and bring the Fallout universe to more fans but equally a hope they do the games justice!

Roo's avatar

🤞 Fingers crossed! I was big into Fallout 4 back in the day and there was nothing in the trailer that made me cringe so I'm feeling pretty optimistic. The Last of Us has set a pretty high bar though...

Nicole's avatar

The advantage of TLOU in this case would be that was almost exactly following the same story as the game and even had like for like scenes. It still set a very high bar but I would expect difference there with a largely brand new story drawing on the Fallout universe. Fingers crossed though!

Thomas's avatar

I was sold when I saw a glimpse of Kyle MacLachlan, and then that was cemented when Ben Linus from Lost showed up!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

That is all.

Dave's avatar

The thing that looks odd in this to me is how well groomed some of the characters are and the amount of make up they are all wearing. Maybe it's just me but the clean look of the characters v the gritty environment feels a bit out of sync. With the exception of 1 character they all appear to have excellent skin care routines and product access considering the harsh environment they are living in.

Nicole's avatar

I don't know about you but I will be taking the collagen infused SPF 30 into the wasteland!

Jk, that's a fair point! But again, I'm going to try to hold off on too much judgement until I'm binging the series because I really want to like it 🤞

Dave's avatar

Yeah , just joking really, It's not really a too serious comment and just the way things are in film & TV. I am looking forward to it really and it looks very good.

Nicole's avatar

I always watch shows and think "those peasants sure have some super straight, pearly white pristine teeth" 😂

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I have two of those bobbleheads from loot boxes xD

"I thought all you dipshits were dead" so funny

But this looks epic as you like, bring it on!


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