The Godfather, Breakfast at Tiffany's and Psycho are all classics we know and love! What films do you think will be 'classics' in years to come?
'Classics' can often be defined by their long-standing relevance through their timeless nature and universal themes. Think how Shakespeare's works are still widely studied and consumed today. This is due to their timeless, universal themes of love, death, power and human greed etc!
Films that come to mind for me would be:
Whiplash - the drive of an artist to succeed and achieve ultimate perfection is definitely a timeless struggle! The writing of this film is incredible and will definitely stand the test of time.
City of God - While this film is rooted firmly in Brazilian gang culture - it's essentially a rags to riches story with themes of coming of age, masculinity, pride and overcoming hardship. The technical elements of this film will also stand the test of time as well in my opinion as this film is so creative in its story-telling!
Parasite - This film explores class struggle, which, unfortunately, is a key feature of human civilisation and thus a universal theme. This film's 'epic' qualities also lend itself to becoming a classic in the future.
That's all from me! What are your opinions? <3
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