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Film & TV

Film & TV
Makster's avatar

I still remember the family trip to the pictures to see LOTR: Fellowship of the RIng. I think I was like 9 or 10 and never heard of the fantasy series so I had no basis or expectation - I honestly thought it'd be a campy romp like Neverending Story or Pagemaster but I was completely blown away. Scared, excited, thrilled, so many emotions went through me during that cinema experience.

Also The Force Awakens. Disney really knew how to pull those nostalgia strings so when I saw the Millenium Falcon and the swell of the music, it really got that inner Star Wars fan in me leaping with joy

Lanah Tyra's avatar

The Force Awakens midnight premier at Leicester Square in London.

We watched the celebrities leaving the red carpet screening then we went in. Seat numbers were called out to tell you if you are sitting where one of the cast members were sitting just an little while ago. People were in cosplay and everyone was chatting to the people sitting around them, sharing fond memories of Star Wars. When the movie started with the classic intro, everyone was cheering. The Millennium Falcon on screen? Everyone cheering.

I think I wouldn't have enjoyed that movie as much as I did without this experience. Actually when I watched it again later on telly and paid attention to the story and not just the fanservice elements I thought "what is this crap?"

antibird's avatar

I always thought those OTT audience reaction videos were American audiences only as I had never seen any audience react like that in the UK. That was until the snap at the end of Avengers: Infinity War. People literally gasping and shouting. Only big reaction I've seen in an audience to this day.

Although, I did see a few people crying after a screening of Return of the King.


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